Contact: George E. Price, Jr., Superintendent, 508-771-2144 Superintendent George Price has announced the selection of Dr. Nita Tallent as the Chief of Natural Resource Management and Science for Cape Cod National Seashore. Before her selection, Nita served as the program manager for the National Park Service (NPS) Mojave Desert Network Inventory &Monitoring Program, Pacific West Region in Boulder City, Nevada. Nita was born in Arkansas and grew up around the world in Saudi Arabia, Germany, and Austria before her family settled in New Hampshire. She earned a Ph.D. at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, College of Life Sciences, where her focus was on the impacts of non-native plants on New Zealand floodplains. Nita's 20+ year career as a field ecologist has provided her with a wide range of experience in the applied science and ecology of floodplain ecosystems, forest, high elevation montane, rangelands, and deserts. Most recently, she led a team of natural resource scientists and professionals in the inventory and monitoring of natural resources at the nine national park units that comprise the Mojave Desert Network. NPS Inventory and Monitoring networks are tasked with the establishment, collection, and analysis of data about the condition of natural resources over multiple years in the present and far into the future. These studies and monitoring efforts are similar to ongoing efforts initiated over the past few decades at Cape Cod National Seashore and intended to continue in perpetuity. Before joining the Department of the Interior in 2010, Nita was a research scientist with the US Environmental Protection Agency.
Last updated: August 22, 2016