News Release
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Contact: Courtney Butler, Superintendent’s Assistant, 508-957-0701
The Three Hundred and Eighth meeting of the Cape Cod National Seashore Advisory Commission will take place on Monday, September 24, at 1:00 P.M., in the meeting room at Headquarters, 99 Marconi Station Road, in Wellfleet, Massachusetts to discuss the following:
- Adoption of Agenda
- Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting (June 18, 2018)
- Reports of Officers
- Reports of Subcommittees
- Superintendent’s Report
Certificates of Suspension for Condemnation (CSC), 8 expire in December 2018
Shorebird Management Plan / Environmental Assessment – update
Seashore projects
Herring River Wetland Restoration
Healthy Parks, Healthy People - Old Business
Update on Horton’s Campground private commercial properties related to their CSC’s - New Business
Action Item – Recommendations to Superintendent on CSCs - Public comment
- Adjournment
The meeting is open to the public. It is expected that 15 persons will be able to attend in addition to the Commission members. Interested persons may make oral/written presentations to the Commission during the business meeting or file written statements. Such requests should be made to the Park Superintendent prior to the meeting.
advisory commission
Last updated: September 11, 2018