Contact: George E. Price, Jr., Superintendent, 508-771-2144
Superintendent George E. Price, Jr. has announced that he and his Natural Resources Management staff will hold two public information programs on February 10, 2010 at Salt Pond Visitor Center at 5:30 PM, and on March 3, 2010 at Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies at 5:30 PM. The purpose of the programs is to share information on two new approaches for shorebird management that Cape Cod National Seashore is planning to implement on a pilot basis this coming spring and summer. These include flexible management of piping plovers and shorebirds on high visitation beaches, and selective removal of crows. Piping plovers are listed as a threatened species under the U.S. and Massachusetts Endangered Species Acts. The National Park Service, in coordination with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, carries out the management of the plovers at the seashore. Members of the public interested in learning more about these plans are invited to attend one of these information programs. For further information, contact the seashore’s Acting Chief of Natural Resources, Megan Tyrrell at (508) 957 - 0737
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Last updated: February 26, 2015