
A body of water lies behind a sandy beach covered by shorebirds. One bird is flying in the foreground with something in its bill while other birds fly by in the background.
Cape Cod National Seashore protects critical breeding habitat and migration stop-over areas for many species of shorebirds.

NPS/Kekoa Rosehill

Birds are perhaps the most conspicuous and easily observed of the Cape Cod National Seashore’s wildlife. The fascinating diversity, behaviors, and life cycles of birds have inspired awe for generations and often put birds at the forefront of conservation efforts. Although some birds are nocturnal, secretive, or well camouflaged, many species are active and out in the open during daylight hours, visible to even the most casual observer. The seashore’s 46,000 acres of fresh water, marine, and uplands provide a wide range of critical habitat for the roughly 370 species of birds that occur here. About 80 of these birds nest and raise their young during the spring and summer months. The remaining, non-breeding birds use the seashore during migration and to overwinter.


Visiting Beaches While Nesting Shorebirds Are Present

These guidelines pertain primarily to groups visiting Cape Cod National Seashore beaches from April through July. We suggest that group leaders stop at Salt Pond or Province Lands Visitor Centers to ask about the locations of nesting shorebirds and any regulations currently in place. The objective is to reduce stress on the birds caused by disturbance by visitors.

General rules to reduce disturbance:

  • The smaller the group the better (10 or less is preferable).
  • Always look down the beach with binoculars to see what bird activity is ahead of you before you take the group. This is especially important when there are chicks on the beach that could be anywhere.
  • Before you get to the nesting area, explain to the group that they should try to be as quiet as possible and limit their movement when they get close to the nest site.
  • For all groups, but especially larger groups of 10 or more, stop approximately 20 meters before you reach the symbolic fencing (or chicks).
  • Stay far enough away that your presence is not altering the behavior of the bird (i.e. feeding, incubating eggs). If you see the adult bird get off the nest or an adult bird is approaching you doing the “broken-wing” behavior, back up. If they don’t return to the nest or are still exhibiting stressed behaviors (bobbing head, peeping, broken-wing), you should leave the area.
  • Do not linger in front of the symbolic (post and string) fencing or near chicks. It’s best to quietly walk by.
  • To avoid the chance of chicks being accidently stepped on, large groups should try to avoid areas with 1- 3 day old shorebird chicks. Chicks this young are very hard to see and will often crouch down in the sand when they are disturbed or feel threatened. You can check with the shorebird staff prior to your program to get up-to-date information on recent hatchings.
  • If you see an adult bird “brooding” the chicks (that’s when the chicks are under the adult bird), walk around them. The same is true if you see the adults/chicks feeding.
  • Never follow a chick(s) or get too close.
  • A rule of thumb is to walk as low down on the beach as possible allowing for the greatest distance from the nesting area (symbolic fencing). This will reduce disturbance to the incubating shorebirds and tern chicks.
A tan and white chick stands with its wings spread on a sandy beach. A tan and white chick stands with its wings spread on a sandy beach.

With implemented habitat protections, future generations of shorebirds can continue to utilize Cape Cod National Seashore as a place for breeding and staging.
NPS Photos/Joey Negreann


Source: Data Store Collection 6601. To search for additional information, visit the Data Store.


Cape Cod National Seashore Waterbird Reports are available below. These large (8+ megabyte) pdf files are screen reader compatible for those who are blind or have low vision.

Source: Data Store Collection 8018. To search for additional information, visit the Data Store.


Frequently Asked Questions about Shorebird Management Activities

Cape Cod National Seashore (Seashore) is home to several species of shorebirds that use beaches for breeding, nesting, feeding, and resting during migrations. They are a key component of the Cape Cod ecosystem and contribute to the beach experience enjoyed by millions of visitors. Piping plover, least tern, American oystercatcher, roseate tern, and red knot shorebirds are considered endangered, threatened, or species of special concern by federal and state governments. The seashore works with other federal agencies (especially US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and United States Geological Survey (USGS)) and local partners to conserve the birds under the requirements of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and other laws, policies, and regulations.

Cape Cod National Seashore’s Shorebird Management Plan was finalized in 2019 and a formal consultation with the USFWS resulted in a Biological Opinion being administered in July 2021. These documents enable the Seashore to conserve these birds while continuing to provide access and public enjoyment of beaches. The plan, developed through a formal Environmental Assessment, resulted from a complex eight-year process that involved many agencies and the public -- including local residents, the recreation community, visitors, wildlife organizations, and other stakeholders. The plan and Biological Opinion, which has a term of ten years (2031), inform the seashore’s approach to monitoring and managing shorebirds. These activities include scientific monitoring of birds during the breeding season, the placement of physical barriers to separate nesting birds from people and pets, steps to reduce predation on birds and eggs through lethal (this has not been implemented yet) and non-lethal methods and providing current information to visitors. NPS staff, local residents, partners, and visitors regularly see signs of shorebird management activities from spring through fall. This document aims to provide information and answer questions about Cape Cod National Seashore’s Shorebird Management Program.

Shorebird Management FAQ Document

Last updated: January 8, 2024

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