Your Safety

Safety Tips for a Safe and Pleasant Visit to Cabrillo National Monument

At Cabrillo National Monument, your safety is our top priority. We care about your well-being and want to ensure that your visit is enjoyable and hazard-free. By following these safety tips, you can help protect yourself, fellow visitors, and the natural environment. Please take a moment to review the guidelines below to make the most of your time at this beautiful and historic site.

Review Guidelines and Tips

Unstable Cliffs:

Watch Your Step! Stay Back! Cliff areas in the park are very unstable. Stay back from cliff edges to ensure your safety.

Stay on the Trail

  • Many prickly plant species border park trails. Stay on designated trails to avoid having foliage tear at your skin and clothes.
  • Rattlesnakes are often seen in the park. They are a shy and natural part of the park's ecosystem that happens to be venomous. Staying on trails helps you avoid them and allows them to avoid you.


For the safety of the fragile ecosystem and the comfort of visitors, Cabrillo National Monument is a smoke-free park. All areas of the park are closed to smoking, including tobacco cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, and vaping.


For your safety and to protect the ecosystem, please stay on designated trails.

A Special Note About Plants

Many plant species, such as California Buckwheat, may appear dead during the summer months. These plants are just dormant. During California's hot, dry summer, the stems and petals of many plants become dry and brittle to conserve water. Once the winter rains arrive, these unique "drought-deciduous" plants once again become green and vibrant. For the safety of these plants and to avoid damaging them, please stay on trails and do not break off "dead" branches from plants in the park.

Tidepool Safety

Go Slow Slick, algae-covered rocks in the tidepools are very slippery. Wear shoes with good traction and take your time. Go slow! You will see more this way as well.


Bicycling is allowed on paved roadways only. Please be cautious as vehicles share the roadways.

Skateboards and Roller Blades

For the safety of fellow visitors, skateboards, roller blades, and skates are prohibited on all surfaces.

Swimming, Surfing, and Diving

Swimming, surfing, and diving are prohibited within park boundaries. This is for your safety and to protect the intertidal ecosystem.


Always carry water with you, especially during hot weather. Dehydration can occur quickly, so it's important to drink water regularly.

Sun Protection

Wear sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses to protect yourself from sunburn and UV exposure. Even on cloudy days, UV rays can still cause sunburn.


Wear sturdy, comfortable shoes suitable for walking on uneven terrain. This will help prevent injuries and make your visit more enjoyable.

Emergency Contact

Carry a cell phone and ensure it is charged. Know the location of the nearest emergency services and park contact numbers.

First Aid Kit

Bring a basic first aid kit with bandages, antiseptic wipes, and any personal medications you might need.

Weather Awareness

Check the weather forecast before your visit and be prepared for sudden changes. Carry a light jacket or windbreaker, even if the forecast predicts warm weather.


Observe wildlife from a safe distance. Do not feed or approach animals, as this can be dangerous for both you and the wildlife.

Respect Park Regulations

Follow all posted signs and park regulations to ensure the safety of yourself, other visitors, and the natural environment.

Travel in Groups

If possible, travel with others, especially on less-traveled trails. It’s safer and more enjoyable to explore with companions.

Inform Others

Let someone know your plans, including your expected return time, in case of an emergency.

By following these safety tips, you can help ensure a safe and enjoyable visit to Cabrillo National Monument.


Last updated: July 25, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

1800 Cabrillo Memorial Drive
San Diego, CA 92106


619 523-4285

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