Wildlife Biologist, Ranger Stephanie Root, along with other park biologists represent our snakey co-workers and help communicate to the public on their behalf. All of our snake ambassadors are native to the San Diego Region and have be rescued for various reasons by the San Diego Herpetological Society.
Meet the Team!
NPS Photo
Salvador: Northern Three-Lined Boa – Lichanura orcutti (Formerly Coastal Rosy Boa)
He became an ambassador in June 2014 and is approximately 7 years of age. Sal is the most comfortable with visitor interaction. He particularly enjoys hiding in shoes and hooded sweatshirts. Northern Three-Lined Boas have a lifespan of approximately 20 years.Agnes: California Kingsnake – Lampropeltis californiae
Agnes became an ambassador in August 2014 and is approximately 17 years of age. Along with being the oldest of the ambassadors, she is also the largest. A California Kingsnake is known to live up to 50 years in captivity.

Summer: Albino California Kingsnake – Lampropeltis californiae
Summer became an ambassador in August 2014 with Agnes and is approximately 8 years of age. Because of her lack of pigment, her veins can be seen through her scales (especially since she recently shed her skin in these images).

Wilson: San Diego Gopher Snake – Pituophis catenifer annectens
Wilson became an ambassador in February 2017 and is approximately 4 years of age. He is most timid of the ambassadors, but warms up after a while, particularly with Ranger Adam Taylor. A San Diego Gopher Snake typically lives 12-15 years.
We encourage visitors to meet our snake ambassadors up close every Thursday at 1:30 pm during the summer. Do remember, though all of our ambassadors are non-venomous, be aware all snakes are wild animals and have the potential to bite and may mistake a finger near their face as a yummy treat. Please gently touch the base of their body with one or two fingers.
The coolest members of the Cabrillo Crew can’t wait to meet you!