HTeNC First Graders Help Cabrillo Build Nature’s Nurseries

June 21, 2018 Posted by: Alex Warneke
Students show off their board game exploring the life cycle of the peregrine falconNPS Photo/Alex Warneke, Students show off their board game exploring the life cycle of the peregrine falcon

Earlier this year our Science Education team teamed up with students and teachers at High Tech Elementary North County to collaborate on a semester long project focused on Nature’s Nurseries. First grade students were asked to create products for Cabrillo’s new 1st grade Traveling Trunk. Student’s focused on building unique games, puzzles, songs, and books exploring the life cycles of four of the park’s most popular animals: Peregrine Falcons, Gray Whales, Sphinx Moth, and the Garibaldi Fish. This teaching kit will be available for other first grade teachers and students to check out and learn about the life cycles of these amazing critters and the ecosystems they call home. Special thank-you to the unceasing dedication of the High Tech Elementary students and teachers in creating these excellent opportunities for our community. 

Students create wooden puzzles to explain different facets of the gray whale migrationNPS Photo/Alex Warneke, Students create wooden puzzles to explain different facets of the gray whale migration

Cabrillo's traveling trunks are available to teachers within San Diego County for two week periods. There are no charges associated with borrowing trunks, however teachers will be responsible for picking up and dropping off the trunk and replacing lost or damaged items. The trunks allow instructors who may not be able to bring their students on a field trip to have the same resources and activities available to classes that visit the park, plus many supplementals. Reserve your trunk here today!
The Nature’s Nurseries Trunk will be available Fall 2018. 

Last updated: June 21, 2018

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