Did you know…
That the bright iridescent blue, yellow, and orange markings that span the velvety black body of the Navanax sea slug represent aposematic coloration and serve as a warning to potential predators.
Or that …
A closer look at the surface of a bat star’s colorful, mottled skin reveals a mosaic of course, scale-like structures. Without proper gills or lungs, bat stars rely on these small projections to aid in diffusion of oxygen from the water for respiratory exchange.
Or better yet…
That octopus maintain hundreds of highly sensitive suction cups that allow them to explore and smell their environment through touch and chemical receptors. With over 300 million peripheral neurons running through their arms, octopus use an elaborate muscle regulatory system to control each suction cup individually.
Nature showcases a unique geometry of living forms. Shape, structure, color, and pattern each play a complex role in ecological function. From large-scale ecosystems to microscopic beings, there is a unique magnificence in the complexities driven by evolution and necessity. In collaboration with nature photographer Michael Ready, Cabrillo National Monument is proud to showcase over 24 fine art prints in our newest exhibit, “Art Forms in Nature.”
Through his work, Ready's collection of images seeks to reveal the diversity of life and particularly its smaller and lesser-known forms. While possessing a background deeply rooted in natural history, Ready’s vision is divergent from typified nature photography. With an eye for rich colors, abstract patterns, and compositional mystery, the resulting images bring a sense of wonder and connection to the wild -- and to the idea that nothing is outside of nature.
“Art Forms in Nature” highlights the interplay between form and function through an artistically scientific lens. From the symmetrical rosette of the Agave, to the unique dermal scales of shark skin, each Art Form is specifically crafted for utility and efficiency. We invite you to join us on a visual exploration of nature and all it’s intricate beauty. On display now until July 31st, 2017.