News Release

Temporary Partial Closure of Southeastern End of West Beach Due to Least Tern Nesting

aerial map of beach with red lines depicting where the temporary closed area is located
Map of temporary partial closer on the southeastern end of West Beach

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News Release Date: May 12, 2023

Contact: Evan Gwilliam, 340-773-1460

St. Croix, US Virgin Islands Buck Island Reef National Monument is one of fifteen known nesting sites on St. Croix for the least tern, Sterna antillarum antillarum, a locally protected migratory sea bird. Every year, between April and May, the least terns return to St. Croix to nest, and sometimes choose West Beach at Buck Island Reef National Monument as one of these nesting spots.

The least terns have returned to Buck Island Reef NM. A group of about 20 adults arrived and is establishing their nesting colony on the southeastern end of West Beach. To ensure protection for the colony, eggs, and chicks the National Park Service (NPS) is placing a temporary partial closure of the southeastern section of beach from the sand spur point to the pier (South). The area is marked with signs, ropes/stakes, and warning tape.

The terns lay small speckled, sand-colored eggs in shallow depressions on the open beach. Both adults take turns sitting on the eggs, foraging for food, and protecting and incubating the eggs. They are easily disturbed by people walking nearby and will leave the eggs and fly toward the invader. Every time a tern flies off the nest during the day, the eggs or chicks are exposed to excessive heat from direct sunlight and to possible predation.

We ask that visitors to the park adhere to the closure and not walk toward or around the closed area. The NPS has allowed multiple use activities to continue alongside the tern nesting, however the NPS Superintendent will be forced to close the beach if the colony success is threatened (36 CFR Sec. 1.5 Closures and Public Use Limits).
The least tern area is CLOSED to all pedestrians;Do Not approach area; Do Not walk through or swim along shoreline.

The least tern nesting area on Buck Island Reef NM is unique to the Virgin Islands. It is the only area where the birds have no threat from vehicles, dogs, and other non-native predators. The only danger to the terns nesting success seems to be from human disturbance and dogs illegally on the beach in the park. We would like to remind our visiting public that dogs are NOT ALLOWED in the waters or on land at the Monument. This is necessary to protect wildlife and public health and safety. NPS advises our Buck Island Reef NM visitors to NOT bring dogs to the park.

Please direct any questions or reports of any violations of these regulations to the NPS Law Enforcement Rangers or Resource Management, by calling 340-773-1460, daily 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. After 4:30 pm please call 340-277-6863 or 340-277-6922.

Last updated: May 12, 2023

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