Commercial Use Authorizations (CUAs)

What is a CUA?

A Commercial Use Authorization (CUA) is a business permit with the National Park Service that authorizes an individual, group, company, or other for-profit entity to conduct commercial activities and provide specific visitor services within a national park area. The National Park Service will only issue CUAs for commercial activities and visitor services that:

  • are determined to be an appropriate use of Buffalo National River;

  • will have minimal impact on Buffalo National River’s resources and values; and

  • are consistent with Buffalo National River’s purpose, management plans, policies, and regulations.

Do I Need a CUA?

A CUA is required if you, as an individual, organization, or company, provide any goods, activities, services, agreements, or other function for members, clients, or the public that:

  • take place at least in part in Buffalo National River,

  • use park resources, and

  • result in compensation, monetary gain, benefit, or profit.

Businesses and individuals may not conduct commercial activities in the park without a valid CUA or in a manner inconsistent with the terms of the CUA. You must be in possession of a valid CUA to conduct business in Buffalo National River.

How much does a CUA cost?

Application Fee (application fees are NON-REFUNDABLE):

$350 for first application, $250 for subsequent applications to same park in same calendar year.

Management Fee: In addition to the application fee, The NPS must charge CUA holders a management fee that at a minimum recovers the costs of all CUA management after application approval. CUA management includes, but is not limited to, correspondence with the CUA holder, in-the-field monitoring, and the mitigation of resource impacts caused by the commercial activity. Buffalo National River uses a flat management fee of $50 a year.

Application and management fees are through the online CUA Application and Reporting System.

How do I apply for a CUA?

  • Watch this video on using the online CUA Application and Report System: How to Apply for a Commercial Use Authorization (CUA) Permit
  • Apply by visiting the online CUA system Home - Commercial Use Authorization
  • NPS is excited to announce the development and deployment of the online CUA system. The system is designed to standardize, modernize, and streamline the CUA application and reporting process. The system allows potential CUA applicants and CUA holders to view available CUA opportunities, apply for CUAs, submit required CUA reports, and pay CUA fees.
  • Please see park specific authorized services below, for application windows.

How long does it take to get a CUA?

  • Buffalo National River requires at least 30 days to process a complete CUA application. Applications are reviewed in the order they are received.

What are the reporting requirements?

  • CUA holders must submit an annual report via the online CUA system each year by January 31 for the operations that occurred during the preceding year. This report provides the park with visitation statistics, reportable injury data, and a record of annual gross receipts. 
  • CUA holders must also submit monthly reports to the park's commercial services office by the 15th of each month for operations that occurred during the previous month. This report does not require the CUA holder to submit financial information.
  • Failure to submit the required reports or misrepresentation of statistics or earnings may result in the inability to submit subsequent CUA applications via the online CUA system or the suspension of active CUAs.

Descriptions and Conditions of Activities and Services Authorized Under a CUA


Important Links

CUA Law and Policy
Laws, Policies & Regulations
Buffalo National River Superintendent's Compendium
RM83A Public Health and Prevention, Ch. 5 Backcountry Operations
(The Backcountry Operations manual is located on Page 104 of the linked PDF document)


CUA Office Contact Information

Commercial Services

Telephone: 870-365-2724 or 2702

Buffalo National River

402 N. Walnut St., Suite 136


Harrison, AR 72601

Email: e-mail us

CUA Suspension, Revocation or Denial

CUA holders and their employees are required to meet the conditions of the CUA while operating within Buffalo National River. Failure to meet these conditions may result in CUA suspension, restriction, revocation or application denial.

Last updated: January 19, 2025

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

402 N. Walnut Street
Suite 136

Harrison, AR 72601


870 439-2502

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