Firewood Sales


The Firewood Sales Commercial Use Authorization consists of in-park campfire wood and/or bundled kindling sales within authorized campgrounds at Buffalo National River as listed in Park Specific Condition, Area of Operation. 

Required Documentation

  • Insurance Certification

  • Employee List providing the names and titles of all persons associated with the CUA

  • Operating Plan including guide qualifications/certifications, safety plan, any methods that will be utilized to prevent pollution and to reduce waste, and sample of a typical trip plan/itinerary

Park Specific Conditions

 Area of Operation

The exclusive use of park facilities is not authorized. The authorized area(s) for firewood sales are: 

  • Steel Creek and Kyles Campgrounds

  • Erbie and Ozark Campgrounds

  • Mt. Hersey and Carver Campgrounds

  • Tyler Bend and Woolum Campgrounds

  • South Maumee, Spring Creek, and Rush Campgrounds


  • Authorization Holder is authorized to operate firewood sales year around within the specified locations.   

  • The Holder will provide the Commercial Services Office the days/hours in which the Holder intends to provide services. For example, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. from April through September. The Commercial Services Office will distribute the operating schedule to the park contact stations to be provided to visitors upon request.

  • The Commercial Services office must be notified at least seven (7) days prior to changes in the operating schedule or adjustment to rates. 

  • Wood must be distributed directly from the Holder’s vehicle or trailer and may not be stacked within the campground. 

  • Overnight storage of firewood for “honor system” sales is not authorized. The Holder or their designated staff must be on site for all firewood sales. 

  • The Holder is authorized to make periodic drive through loops through the specified campground(s) and may park in a designated parking area (for example, near the campground registration area) to sell the wood. Vehicles will only park to sell firewood on hardened sites such as parking lots and shall not cause ground disturbance. Vehicles for delivery will not remain in the park when not vending. 

  • The Holder will include an educational message with each bundle sold thanking the visitor for purchasing locally gathered firewood to prevent the spread of invasive species. 

Wood Specifications 

  • To prevent the spread of invasive species like wood-boring insects and blight-causing fungi, all firewood shall be purchased or gathered locally. Effective March 27, 2018, the Arkansas Agriculture Department’s State Plant Board (ASPB) approved a statewide quarantine which covers firewood of all hardwood species. Quarantine information is available at 

  • Firewood may only be bundled with string/binder twine. Clear plastic wrap or other plastics for binding is prohibited. 

  • Firewood and kindling will be hardwood, dry, and burnable. 

  • The Holder may sell bundles of firewood and kindling in various sizes, such as large, medium, and small size. However, all bundles by group (large, medium, and small) must be uniform in size. For example, small bundles with 3-4 logs per bundle.


  • No signs will be posted on bulletin boards or within park boundaries without prior written approval from the Superintendent. 

  • However, a free-standing professional business sign may be placed next to the vehicle indicating firewood sales. 

  • All signage must be approved in advance by the Commercial Services Office and shall be professional quality. Signage will include operating days/times and rates. Handwritten signs are prohibited.


All vehicles used by the Holder of the Authorization to provide the visitor services must comply with the following:

  • Be properly registered, licensed, insured, and maintained in accordance with federal and state laws and regulations; and

  • Be in sound mechanical condition and have an overall well-maintained, clean, and professional appearance; and

  • Include the Holder’s identifying business information and/or logo and must be clearly and prominently displayed. Magnetic decals may be used in instead of permanent markings. 

Authorized Employees

When operating within park boundaries, the Holder and registered employee(s), when approached by an NPS Park Ranger must announce that they are an authorized firewood vendor.

  • Holder must inform the National Park Service within 24 hours when an employee (those working under this Authorization) is added or is no longer an employee of the business.

  • A fully executed copy of the CUA must be with the Holder and their employees when operating in the park unit and must be presented to any park employee on demand.

  • All employees dealing with the general public shall project a hospitable attitude and exercise courtesy and consideration in their relations with the public. 

  • The Holder and all employees shall not harass or dun visitors to purchase firewood.   

Damage to Natural/Cultural Resources

The Holder and their employees registered under this Permit will ensure that no visitor/client disturbs, climbs on, damages, or removes any natural/cultural resources, archeological or historic artifacts. Entering any closed area is prohibited by law. If artifacts are discovered, the Holder will ensure they are left in place undisturbed and will immediately report the discovery to the Buffalo National River Cultural Resources office at (870) 365-2792 or to the Midwest Region Ozark Communication Center (MROCC) at (888) 692-1162.

Emergency Response

All emergency situations such as accidents, fires, and search and rescues will be reported to the Midwest Region Ozark Communication Center (MROCC) at (888) 692-1162, at the earliest possible opportunity.                                                                                                          

Operating Plan / Itinerary  

The Holder is required to submit an Operating Plan to the National Park Service (NPS) summarizing the operations to be conducted, safety plan of action, previous experience, current certifications, guide qualifications, and a typical itinerary for the activity type.  The plan is reviewed and approved/disapproved by the NPS. The operating plan will be kept on file and will become part of the record regarding the performance of this Permit. However, it is a separate document and will not become part of the Permit.  The operating plan will specifically include a safety plan of action the Holder will implement in the event of accident or injury. 

Prohibited Activity

The Holder and employees registered under this Permit are specifically prohibited from providing, conducting, engaging in, or effecting by any method of delivery, including by land, by water or by air, the following: 

  • Engaging in an activity for which you are NOT specifically permitted is prohibited.

  • Traversing by vehicle anywhere other than on designated roads. 

  • Causing any damage and/or harm to any natural, cultural and/or historic resource or facility, including removing posted signs. 

  • Feeding, molesting, or harming wildlife.

  • Entering any closed areas. 

  • Providing alcohol products of any kind to any visitor/client. 

  • Live vegetation shall not be cut neither shall any soil be excavated.

  • Maintaining equipment or food caches with park boundaries. 

  • The use of pesticides (insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides), or toxic materials, except for personal insect repellents labeled for that purpose, is prohibited unless they are specifically approved by the Superintendent.

  • Glass is prohibited. The possession or use of glass containers in caves, on trails or waterways or within 100 feet (30.48 meters) of any river or stream in the park is prohibited except in designated campgrounds, picnic sites, or in vehicles on designated roads and parking areas.

Last updated: January 19, 2025

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Mailing Address:

402 N. Walnut Street
Suite 136

Harrison, AR 72601


870 439-2502

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