DescriptionThe Firewood Sales Commercial Use Authorization consists of in-park campfire wood and/or bundled kindling sales within authorized campgrounds at Buffalo National River as listed in Park Specific Condition, Area of Operation. Required Documentation
Park Specific ConditionsArea of OperationThe exclusive use of park facilities is not authorized. The authorized area(s) for firewood sales are:
Wood Specifications
VehiclesAll vehicles used by the Holder of the Authorization to provide the visitor services must comply with the following:
Authorized EmployeesWhen operating within park boundaries, the Holder and registered employee(s), when approached by an NPS Park Ranger must announce that they are an authorized firewood vendor.
Damage to Natural/Cultural ResourcesThe Holder and their employees registered under this Permit will ensure that no visitor/client disturbs, climbs on, damages, or removes any natural/cultural resources, archeological or historic artifacts. Entering any closed area is prohibited by law. If artifacts are discovered, the Holder will ensure they are left in place undisturbed and will immediately report the discovery to the Buffalo National River Cultural Resources office at (870) 365-2792 or to the Midwest Region Ozark Communication Center (MROCC) at (888) 692-1162. Emergency ResponseAll emergency situations such as accidents, fires, and search and rescues will be reported to the Midwest Region Ozark Communication Center (MROCC) at (888) 692-1162, at the earliest possible opportunity. Operating Plan / ItineraryThe Holder is required to submit an Operating Plan to the National Park Service (NPS) summarizing the operations to be conducted, safety plan of action, previous experience, current certifications, guide qualifications, and a typical itinerary for the activity type. The plan is reviewed and approved/disapproved by the NPS. The operating plan will be kept on file and will become part of the record regarding the performance of this Permit. However, it is a separate document and will not become part of the Permit. The operating plan will specifically include a safety plan of action the Holder will implement in the event of accident or injury. Prohibited ActivityThe Holder and employees registered under this Permit are specifically prohibited from providing, conducting, engaging in, or effecting by any method of delivery, including by land, by water or by air, the following:
Last updated: January 19, 2025