Guided Hiking (CUAs)


The Guided Land Based Day Hiking and Overnight Backpacking/Camping Commercial Use Authorization (CUA) consists of providing guided day hiking and overnight backpacking/camping trips by escorting visitors/clients to destinations at Buffalo National River (BUFF) while maintaining a required continuous presence at all times with the visitors/clients. This Authorization is for land based guided services and does not authorize guided overnight float trips on the water.

Applications are accepted at any time during the year.

Required Documentation

  • Insurance Certification
  • Employee List providing the names and titles of all persons associated with the CUA
  • Operating Plan including guide qualifications/certifications, safety plan, any methods that will be utilized to prevent pollution and to reduce waste, and sample of a typical trip plan/itinerary.

Park Specific Conditions

Group Size Limits

Groups are limited in size based on location.

  • Wilderness Backcountry Camping: Overnight trips taking place in the wilderness are limited to no more than six (6) persons, including guide(s).
  • Wilderness Day Hikes: Day trips taking place in the wilderness are limited to no more than twelve (12) persons, including guide(s).
  • Backcountry, Gravel Bar and Front-country Trips: Day trips and overnight backpacking / camping taking place outside of the wilderness are limited tono more than twenty-five (25) persons, including guide(s).
  • Guide to Client Ratio: The guide to client ration must be at least one (1) guide per twelve (12) clients.

Trips Per Month

Total trips per month are limited based on location.

  • Wilderness Trips: Trips taking place in the wilderness may take place a maximum of one (1) time per month.
  • All Other Backcountry and Front-country Trips: This authorization allows up to one (1) trip per week for backpacking trips located outside of the wilderness.
  • Trip Duration: Regardless of location, the trip duration may not exceed seven (7) consecutive nights.
  • Baccountry Camp Sites / Gravel Bars: Consecutive use of campsites between trips (i.e. back-to-back trips in the same backcountry campsites) is not authorized

Authorized Hiking Trails

Holder will use official NPS trails, trailheads, and parking areas. Utilization of social trails is prohibited.
The following nonwilderness trails are authorized:

  • Lost Valley Trail
  • Old River Trail from Kyles Landing to Pruitt
  • Cecil Cove Trail
  • Buffalo River Trail:
    • Boxley to Ponca
    • Kyles Landing to Pruitt
    • Woolum to Dillard's Ferry
    • Ozark Highlands Trail, south boundary of BNR to Woolum
  • Tyler Bend Trail Network
  • Rush Historic District Trail Network
  • Buffalo Point Trail Network

The following trails within the Ponca Wilderness are authorized:

  • Buffalo River Trail (Ponca to Kyle's Landing, approximately 10 miles)
  • Old River Trail (portion located within Ponca Wilderness)
  • Chimney Rock Trail
  • Big Bluff (aka "Goat Trail")
  • Hemmed-in Hollow
  • Sneed's Creek Trail
  • Horseshoe Bend Trail
  • Bench Trail

The following trail within the Lower Wilderness is authorized:

  • Cow Creek Trail

Backcountry Camping Regulations

  • Except for gravel bars on the Buffalo River, camping is not permitted within 100 feet of a flowing stream, river or body of water.

  • Camping is prohibited in all caves and rock shelters within the park, as well as, the length of Lost Valley Trail.

  • Installation of permanent camping facilities is prohibited. Equipment may not be left unattended for more than 24 hours. Equipment or food caches shall not be maintained within Buffalo National River.

  • Unless otherwise indicated, campfires are permitted in all areas of the backcountry. Only dead and down material may be collected for firewood. Open fire may be prohibited during periods of extreme fire danger or in specific areas.

  • Pets are not permitted on trails, in backcountry or wilderness areas.

  • The possession or use of glass containers in caves, on trails or waterways, or within 100 ft (30.48 meters) of any river or stream in the park is prohibited.

  • When backpacking and not camping on a gravel bar, select a site that is at least 50 feet off the trail and 100 feet away from a waterway.

Front-country Campsite Availability

  • Campsites in established campgrounds are available on a first come, first served basis except for campsites on the park reservation system.

  • Campsites that are first come, first served cannot be held unless occupied. This Authorization does not guarantee campsite availability.

  • Holder is required to abide by all camping regulations and may not hold sites for their group. Camping is limited to 6 (six) people per site at camping areas. All group sites are limited to a minimum of 10 (ten) people and maximum of 25 people.

  • Reserving of sites in any campground in a manner where a person pays for days in advance and is not physically present is not permitted. A minimum of one person per site must be present, who has registered and paid for the site.

  • To reserve a site on the park reservation system, call 877-444-6777 or go online at Group camping sites are available in various locations in the park. Developed campgrounds have a fee per site, per night as well as group occupancy limits. Please check to determine if the area you plan to camp is subject to fees. ( and/or 870-439-2502).

Prohibited Areas

  • Backcountry camping is permitted along the Center Point Trail and within the Ponca Wilderness but is not authorized on Big Bluff.

  • Camping is prohibited in Lost Valley.

  • Historic districts, hay fields, private lands, and all structures are closed to camping.

  • Camping is prohibited within ½ mile (805 meters) of any NPS developed area unless it is in a designated campsite.


Trip Plans

The Holder must file a trip plan with the Midwest Region Ozark Communication Center (MROCC) prior to the trip.
Trip plan must include the following:

  • The name of Holder and the name of guide(s)
  • Number of people on trip
  • Date of trip
  • Location of trip (Trail, campground or backcountry location)

The trip plan may be filed with MROCC via telephone (888-692-1162), via fax (870-741-5667), or via email Failure to file a trip plan with MROCC may result in suspension or revocation of the CUA.

Authorized Guides

When operating within the park boundaries, the Holder and registered employee(s), when approached by any NPS Park Ranger must announce that they are an authorized hiking guide.

  • Holder must inform the National Park Service within 24 hours when an employee (those working under this permit) is added or is no longer an employee of the business.

  • A fully executed copy of the CUA must be with the Holder and their employees when operating in the park unit and must be presented to any park employee on demand.

This authorization does not authorize the Holder to advertise, solicit business, collect any fees, or sell any goods or services on lands owned and controlled by the United States. The authorization is for the incidental use of park area resources by operations that provide commercial services originating and terminating outside of the park unit (or within an inholding).

Trip Specifics:

  • The Holder shall inform clients of the general park regulations and safety concerns before beginning trip.

  • Trips are to be scheduled so as not to conflict with NPS-conducted activities.

  • Holder will ensure participants take an adequate supply of safe drinking water during hikes away from developed areas.

  • The area(s) authorized for use under this authorization must be left in substantially the same condition as it was prior to the activities authorized herein.

  • It is the Holder's responsibility to obtain prior approval from landowners for access to or across private lands within the Park.

Leave No Trace

All trips within park boundaries must be conducted utilizing “Leave No Trace” principles. Holders are responsible for ensuring that all guides working for them under this permit are knowledgeable of and all clients adhere to Leave No Trace principles.


To prevent the spread of invasive species like wood-boring insects and blight-causing fungi, all firewood shall be purchased or gathered locally. Effective March 27, 2018, the Arkansas Agriculture Department’s State Plant Board (ASPB) approved a statewide quarantine which covers firewood of all hardwood species.

Damage to Natural/Cultural Resources

The Holder and their employees registered under this Permit will ensure that no visitor/client disturbs, climbs on, damages, or removes any natural/cultural resources, archeological or historic artifacts. Entering any closed area is prohibited by law. If artifacts are discovered, the Holder will ensure they are left in place undisturbed, and will immediately report the discovery to the Buffalo National River Cultural Resources office at (870) 365-2792 or to the Midwest Region Ozark Communication Center (MROCC) at (888) 692-1162.

Emergency Response

All emergency situations such as accidents, fires, and search and rescues will be reported to the Midwest Region Ozark Communication Center (MROCC) at (888) 692-1162, at the earliest possible opportunity.

Transportation (Shuttle) Services

Shuttle services that include moving customer’s vehicles within park boundaries or dropping people off and picking them up at locations within the park are specifically prohibited under this Authorization. All shuttle services must be provided by a Buffalo National River Canoe Concessioner. Please refer to our current list of concessioners for more information.


All vehicles used by the Holder of the Authorization to provide the visitor services must comply with the following:

  • Be properly registered, licensed, insured, and maintained in accordance with federal and state laws and regulations;

  • Be in sound mechanical condition and have an overall well-maintained, clean and professional appearance; and

  • Include the Holder’s identifying business information and/or logo and must be clearly and prominently displayed. Magnetic decals may be used in instead of permanent markings.


Operating Plan / Itinerary

The Holder is required to submit an Operating Plan to the National Park Service (NPS) summarizing the operations to be conducted, safety plan of action, previous experience, current certifications, guide qualifications, and a typical itinerary for the activity type. The plan is reviewed and approved/disapproved by the NPS. The operating plan will be kept on file and will become part of the record regarding the performance of this Permit. However, it is a separate document and will not become part of the Permit. The operating plan will specifically include a safety plan of action the Holder will implement in the event of accident or injury.

Safety Briefing

All clients must be informed that all safety and park rules are applicable to them which include but are not limited to the following:

  • The Permittee shall emphasize to clients that they shall not leave the group or the guided itinerary once inside the boundaries of the Buffalo National River.

  • Styrofoam is Prohibited from the River: The possession of polystyrene coolers (commonly known as Styrofoam) is prohibited while along the Buffalo River, except in developed campgrounds, picnic areas, landings, roads and parking lots. This prohibition includes coolers, ice chests, and containers. High density bait containers used solely for that purpose are allowed.

  • Glass Containers are Prohibited from the River and Trails: The possession or use of glass containers in caves, on trails or waterways or within 100 feet (30.48 meters) of any river or stream in the park is prohibited except in designated campgrounds, picnic sites, or in vehicles on designated roads and parking areas. Except for containers for substances prescribed by a licensed physician, no person shall possess or use glass containers within the banks of Arkansas’ navigable waterways.

  • Limited Water Supply: Potable water sources are limited within the park boundaries. Permittee will notify clients of locations with available potable water and notify all clients to bring adequate water.

  • Human Waste and Trash: Refuse and trash must be transported to a place where the materials may be safely and lawfully disposed. Carry out all items taken into the backcountry. Burying trash is prohibited. In non-developed areas solid human waste must be: deposited in fixtures provided for that purpose; buried in a cathole 6” to 8” deep and at least 200’ from water, camp, and trails; packed out in a disposable biodegradable bag toilet system approved for landfill disposal (WAG bag or similar system); or packed out in a self-contained washable, leak-proof, reusable toilet system. Unless designated for that purpose, bathing and washing clothing or dishes at public water outlets or in or within 100 feet of streams is prohibited.

  • Provide Weather Forecast: Thunderstorms dumping more than two inches of rain per hour may occur. Even if it does not rain in the section of the park you are in, rain upstream can affect the river condition downstream.

  • Dress Appropriately for the Weather: Hypothermia is a danger in water cooler than 50°F (10° C), even when the air temperature is warm. When visiting the park in the fall, winter, or spring, carry extra clothes in a waterproof container. If you fall into cold water, get out immediately and into dry clothes.

  • Natural/Historical/Resource Protection: Utmost care will be exercised to see that no natural, historic, or cultural features are injured. No digging, excavation, or cutting of branches or ground cover of any kind is allowed under any circumstances.

  • Collection of geological, paleontological, historical, or biological specimens is prohibited

  • Drones: The use of drones or any unmanned aircraft is prohibited.
  • Noise: Noise levels should not impact wildlife or the experience of others

Public Health

  • Food/Water Service: In as much as practicable, food service and water provided shall be in accordance with current U.S. Public Health Service Food Code and the National Park Service’s Reference Manual 83A for Backcountry Operations. Permittees are responsible for ensuring all event staff under this permit are knowledgeable of NPS Reference Manual 83A, Chapter 5 for Backcountry Operations which can be found online at Reference Manual - 83A PUBLIC HEALTH: Protection and Prevention ( The Backcountry Operations manual is located on Page 104 of the PDF document or by contacting the Commercial Services office at 870-365-2724 or 870-365-2702 or via email at e-mail us.

  • Potable Water: Filtration and disinfection are both required for the treatment of water unless the water is obtained from an approved public water source or is boiled. It must be emphasized to all backcountry users that non-potable water is not safe to drink following filtration without disinfection. Page 4 of Chapter 5: Backcountry Operations in Reference Manual 83A provides the three pre-approved methods of providing potable water for drinking and culinary uses. Reference Manual 83A, Chapter 5 for Backcountry Operations can be found online at Reference Manual - 83A PUBLIC HEALTH: Protection and Prevention ( The Backcountry Operations manual is located on Page 104 of the PDF document or by contacting the Commercial Services office at 870-365-2724 or 870-365-2702 or via email at e-mail us.

  • Human Illness Reporting: Information on human illnesses associated with food or water sources within park boundaries will be immediately reported to the Midwest Region Ozark Communication Center (MROCC) at (888) 692-1162, at the earliest possible opportunity.

Prohibited Activity

The Holder and employees registered under this Permit are specifically prohibited from providing, conducting, engaging in, or effecting by any method of delivery, including by land, by water or by air, the following:

  • Engaging in an activity for which you are NOT specifically permitted is prohibited.

  • Traversing by vehicle anywhere other than on designated roads.

  • Causing any damage and/or harm to any natural, cultural and/or historic resource or facility, including removing posted signs.

  • Feeding, molesting, or harming wildlife.

  • Cutting and/or creating new trails in any form or by any means.

  • Marking trails by flagging, rock cairns, vegetation or dead wood, or by use of marking paint of any kind or by any means.

  • Pets of any kind are prohibited on guided hiking trips.

  • Entering any closed areas.

  • Guided hiking service to any film production, research entity, or any agency without first ensuring the entity or agency possesses a valid Special Use Permit issued by the Buffalo National River.

  • Providing alcohol products of any kind to any visitor/client.

  • Live vegetation shall not be cut neither shall any soil be excavated.

  • Maintaining equipment or food caches with park boundaries.

  • The use of pesticides (insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides), or toxic materials, except for personal insect repellents labeled for that purpose, is prohibited unless they are specifically approved by the Superintendent.

  • Glass is prohibited. The possession or use of glass containers in caves, on trails or waterways or within 100 feet (30.48 meters) of any river or stream in the park is prohibited except in designated campgrounds, picnic sites, or in vehicles on designated roads and parking areas.

  • Entry into caves is prohibited except for those caves along the Lost Valley trail and those caves along the Buffalo Point Trail system.

Last updated: January 6, 2025

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

402 N. Walnut Street
Suite 136

Harrison, AR 72601


870 439-2502

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