Astronomy & Night Sky Programs

Bryce Canyon Astronomy Logo
Bryce Canyon Astronomy Logo

NPS design by Kevin Poe & Joel Allen

A Place of Wonder

Bryce Canyon is the ultimate place to learn about and enjoy the splendor of the night sky. Far from the light pollution of civilization, protected by a special force of park rangers and volunteer astronomers, Bryce Canyon is a sanctuary for natural darkness.

The night sky at Bryce is so dark we can see thousands stars on a moonless night! Here the Milky Way extends from horizon to horizon like a vast silver rainbow. Planets glow brightly in the sky and starlight illuminates the night.

No visit to Bryce Canyon is complete without joining the Astronomy Rangers for one of their educational and entertaining celebrations of natural darkness. Check out our Ranger Programs or come in to the Visitor Center to find out when and how you can join us for an awesome astronomy experience.

Looking for total night-sky immersion? Join us for our Annual Astronomy Festival!

To learn more about our night sky, visit the links below.

Venus and Mercury glow against deep blue skies at the 2015 Astrofest
Venus and Mercury during the Astronomy Festival 2015.

NPS Photo

Astronomy Program Schedule

On average Bryce Canyon offers about 100 astronomy programs per year, presented by our outstanding astronomy rangers and volunteers. Our skies are always beautiful, but some would say the best time to come is when the sky is darkest -- during the week of the new moon or the week prior to the new moon. Join us to celebrate the wonders of the night sky - program subjects have included the life cycles of stars, space exploration missions, the stories written in the constellations, and more!

Evening programs are sometimes followed by stargazing programs. Visit our Ranger Programs page, our online calendar, or come to the Visitor Center for more information. Programs are subject to weather and may be cancelled in the event of adverse conditions

SLAS Icon logo Salt Lake Astronomical Society

Special Guest Astronomers

Salt Lake Astronomical Society (SLAS) is Utah's largest league of amateur astronomers. Bryce Canyon National Park is proud to have SLAS as a long term partner in interpreting astronomy and furthering our efforts to protect natural dark skies.

Club members occasionally join us for our annual Astronomy Festival. SLAS members graciously share their personally owned telescopes and their love of the night sky. Visit their website to learn more about SLAS.

Be A Volunteer!

If you are interested in sharing your love of astronomy and natural dark skies, consider applying for a position as part of Bryce Canyon's Volunteer Astronomer Corps. E-mail the park to inquire.

Assorted telescopes are set up for stargazing at the 2015 Astrofest
Salt Lake Astronomical Society prepares  their telescopes for stargazing.

NPS photo by Kevin Doxstater

Annual Astronomy Festival

Every summer Bryce Canyon offers a 4-day Astronomy Festival . This annual extravaganza offers special daytime and evening programs, after-dark stargazing opportunities, and more.

Visit our Astronomy Festival page to see past activity schedules and get updates on future events.

Full Moon Hike Ranger figure
Park Ranger about to lead a Full Moon Hike.

Photo courtesy of Dark Ranger Telescope Tours, LLC

Full Moon Hikes

When: Full Moon nights
Where: Announced only to ticket holders
Duration:1-2 miles, 2-3 hours

Join one of Bryce Canyon's Astronomy Rangers for a nocturnal adventure. These highly popular hikes are only offered during the full moon. Flashlights are prohibited and "lug traction" footwear is required. A limited number of tickets are available for each hike - please visit the Full Moon Hike page for details.

Glowing Milky Way above hoodoos at Mossy Cave
Milky Way Galaxy above hoodoos at Mossy Cave Trail.

Photo by Derek Demeter June 2015

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

P.O Box 640201
Bryce, UT 84764


435 834-5322
Phones are answered and messages returned as soon as possible as staffing allows.

Contact Us