Paria View Rehabilitation Project

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Date: March 27, 2007
Contact: Dave Roemer, 435.834.4901

Dear Friend of Bryce Canyon National Park:

The National Park Service (NPS) is preparing to determine the level of compliance necessary under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA; e.g., an Environmental Assessment or Environmental Impact Statement) in order to repair an area of erosion damage and take additional measures to reduce social trails and improve safety along the visitor walkways at Paria View. This compliance is needed in order to evaluate potential impacts to the environment that may result from the proposed removal of deteriorated asphalt walks, rebuilding of stone walls beneath undercut sections of trail, relocation of the trail an average of three feet back from the rim, and installation of new concrete walkways and safety railing. The NPS is soliciting comments from the public to help identify issues and develop alternative repair approaches that will be evaluated through the compliance process.

You are invited to provide your comments and take part in this planning effort. 

Last updated: December 19, 2022

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