Field Trip Guidelines

Thank you for making Big Thicket National Preserve part of your educational curriculum. To ensure that your visit to the preserve is safe, enjoyable, and productive, we ask that educational groups observe the following policies and guidelines when visiting Big Thicket National Preserve. Please review these policies and guidelines with all educators, chaperones, and students prior to your visit.
Students on a hiking adventure are giving a thumbs up. Many have pencils in their hands.
Are you ready to go on an adventure?

NPS Photo / Kennie Merbach

Field Trip Policies

  • Respect plants, animals, and all other natural and cultural resources. It is illegal to harass animals, pick flowers, or collect pine cones or other natural or historic items.
  • Pack out all trash. This includes biodegradable material like orange peels and apple cores.
  • Respect the rights of other students and visitors to have an enjoyable visit to the preserve by refraining from disruptive behavior. Do not yell or run on the trails.
  • Stay together as a group when on the trails.

What to bring and wear

  • All participants should carry water. A small waist pack works well for this.
  • All participants must wear sturdy, close-toed shoes.
  • There are no food services or vending machines in the preserve. Please bring sack lunches that do not require refrigeration.
  • Students are responsible for cleaning up their trash and leaving the eating area clean.
  • Watch the weather forecast and dress appropriately.
  • Be prepared with insect repellent for mosquitoes.

Teachers and Chaperones

  • We require a minimum of 1 adult chaperone per 10 students and ask the maximum be 1 adult chaperone per 5 students to prevent distractions and over crowding.
  • Parking at the visitor center and trailheads is limited, so we ask that chaperones ride on the bus if allowed, or carpool.
  • Large classes may have to divide into smaller groups. Please discuss this with our staff when planning your visit, and if required, assign the groups before arriving at the preserve.
  • Review behavioral expectations with students prior to the trip. Teachers and chaperones are responsible for behavior management.
  • You are responsible for ensuring that students comply with all school policies and preserve policies, listed above.
  • You are expected to fully participate in all activities and help facilitate activities when needed.
  • You are expected to provide leadership and guidance to the students during activities and lunch breaks, and to help them focus on the activities.
  • Please keep cell phones off or muted during activities. The use of electronic devices is not allowed during field trips.
  • Do not bring other children who are not part of the class. You need your full attention to monitor the students.

Last updated: April 3, 2024

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Kountze, TX 77625



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