![]() NPS graphic BISCAYNE BAY/CARD SOUND LOBSTER SANCTUARYTHE TAKING OF LOBSTER IS PROHIBITED AT ANY TIME OF THE YEAR IN THE BISCAYNE BAY/CARD SOUND LOBSTER SANCTUARY Recreational trapping is prohibited. All natural, artificial, and tidal creeks between the islands and along the mainland are included in the Sanctuary and are closed to lobstering. ![]() NPS Photo / Thomas Strom LOBSTER SEASONS AND LIMITSMINI-SEASONLobster Mini-Season is a TWO day sport season that takes place over the last consecutive Wednesday and Thursday in July. It begins at 12:00 a.m. Wednesday and ends 11:59 p.m. Thursday. REGULAR SEASON The regular lobster season is from August 6-March 31 every year. DAILY LIMIT The daily ilmit for both seasons is 6 lobsters per person per day. For a complete list of limits and other regulations, please visit the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation page specific to Biscayne National Park's regulations. ![]() NPS photo SIZELobsters that are kept must have a carapace length of more than 3 inches. Undersized lobster must be immediately released unharmed. ALL LOBSTERS MUST BE IN WHOLE CONDITION UNTIL RETURNED TO THE MAINLAND. “Wringing” or separating the tail from the body is prohibited in Park waters. Possession of “wrung” or separated tails on or below the park’s waters is prohibited. HOW TO MEASUREA measuring device must be utilized when harvesting spiny lobsters. Each person in the water must have a measuring device with them. MEASUREMENTS MUST BE MADE BEFORE THE LOBSTER IS REMOVED FROM THE WATER (EXCEPT FOR BULLYNETTING). METHODSLobsters may only be taken using hands, hand-held nets, bully nets, or other means which permit the lobsters to be released unharmed if not legal size. USE OF GRAINS, SPEARS, GRABS, HOOKS, OR SIMILAR DEVICES IS PROHIBITED. Traps may not be used without a permit from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. LICENSE REQUIREMENTSThe harvest of lobster in Biscayne National Park is in accordance with fishing regulations set by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission. For a complete list of requirements and exemptions for fishing licenses, please visit Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission. ![]() NPS photo FEMALESAny egg-bearing females, regardless of size, must be immediately returned to the water unharmed. Eggs are found on the underside of the tail and appear as orange, berry-like formations. Eggs must not be removed or molested.![]() Photo courtesy of Biscayne National Park Institute DIVING/SNORKELINGState law requires the prominent display of a diver-down flag when diving or snorkeling.The dive flag must be 20” x 24” when displayed from a vessel.The dive flag must be prominently displayed from the highest point on vessel and visible from 360˚ degrees. Divers must stay within 300 feet of dive flag in open water, and within 100 feet in rivers, inlets and narrow channels.It is prohibited for anyone to dive or snorkel in, or within 100 feet of any marked channel within Biscayne National Park or in any harbor within the park.Vessels within 300 feet of a dive flag in open waters or within 100 feet in rivers, inlets and narrow channels must operate at idle speed.![]() NPS Photo FOR MORE INFORMATIONPhone: Biscayne National Park, 305-230-1144Regulations: Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission and Biscayne National Park Fishing To report a violation of the law or for assistance: 305-247-7272 Emergency: United States Coast Guard, VHF, Channel 16 |
Last updated: July 17, 2023