Your Dollars At Work

Workers pouring concrete on a trail.
Pouring concrete on the Fossil Discovery Trail.

NPS Photo

Where Does Your Money Go?

Big Bend participates in the congressionally authorized Federal Recreation Lands Enhancement Act. Under this program, parks keep 80% of all fees collected; the remaining 20% will be deposited in a special account to be used in parks where fees are not collected.

Funds generated by the fees are used to accomplish projects the parks have been unable to fund through yearly Congressional allocations. Your entrance and campground fees help Big Bend National Park complete important projects that directly benefit you and other park visitors.

Projects made possible with your fees:

  • Upgrade Backcountry Composting Toilets
  • Upgrade Public Restroom at Castolon
  • Resurface Fossil Discovery Trail
  • Rehabilitate Comfort Stations in Chisos Basin Campground
  • Install Food Storage Boxes at Backcountry Roadsite Campsites
  • Remove River Cane Along Rio Grande Village Nature Trail
  • Install Vault Toilets at Maverick and Persimmon Gap Entrance Stations
  • Improve Backcountry Campsites in the Chisos Mountains
  • Replace Tile Roofs on Two Historic Cottages
  • Replace Way Finding Signs Parkwide
  • Upgrade Cottonwood Campground Irrigation System
  • Install two fully accessible campsites at Cottonwood Campground
  • Install new shade structures and rehabilitate historic shade structures at Rio Grande Village Campground
  • New interpretive exhibits at Rio Grande Village Visitor Center.
  • New interpretive exhibits at Castolon (Magdalena House)
  • Update interpretive wayside exhibits along the Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive.

Recycle Bin and Artwork
Recycling Bin and Recycled Metal Artwork

NPSPhoto/Matthew Yarbrough

Recycling Program

Big Bend National Park has one of the most comprehensive recycling programs in the National Park Service and the State of Texas. Started in the late 1990s, it has grown to the point that independent audits estimate over 90% of recyclable materials, and 40% of the park's total waste stream, are now being recycled.

The program has been recognized as not only being an outstanding example of NPS/concessioner cooperation, but also for the park's firm commitment to leading by example in this important area of conservation.

Last updated: November 30, 2023

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

PO Box 129
Big Bend National Park, TX 79834-0129



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