Bent's Old Fort National Historic Site Junior Ranger Book is now in both English and Spanish!
Earn your badge on site!
Our bilingual Junior Ranger booklet is designed with placed-based activities to be completed during a visit to Bent's Old Fort National Historic Site. When you arrive, request your Junior Ranger booklet. Complete the pages for your level while you are here, then take your book to a park ranger for review. Say the pledge and receive your Bent's Old Fort NHS wooden Junior Ranger badge!
Please note we do not mail out or accept mailed-in booklets. If circumstances prevent an on-site visit, you are invited to complete our virtual Junior Ranger program for a virtual badge.
Complete the Virtual Junior Ranger Program to find out more!
Images Adobe Stock, NPS D. Ocheltree
Earn your Junior Ranger badge online!
It’s a perfect time to earn your virtual Junior Ranger badge from Bent’s Old Fort National Historic Site! The activities in this online Junior Ranger program will introduce a few of the people, places, objects, and events that shaped life in the southwestern borderlands during the American fur trade. This alternative online program allows you to complete paper activity pages at home plus a few activities online. When you’re finished, download and print your virtual Junior Ranger badge!
Wooden Junior Ranger badges are only available to Junior Rangers who complete our hardcopy booklet while visiting Bent’s Old Fort.
¡Complete el Programa Virtual Junior Ranger para obtener más información!
Images Adobe Sotck, NPS/D. Ocheltree
¡Gana tu insignia de Junior Ranger en línea!
¡Es el momento perfecto para obtener su insignia virtual de Junior Ranger en el Sitio Histórico Nacional Old Fort de Bent! Las actividades de este programa en línea de Junior Rangers presentarán a algunas de las personas, lugares, objetos y eventos que dieron forma a la vida en las tierras fronterizas del suroeste durante el comercio de pieles estadounidense. Este programa alternativo en línea le permite hacer páginas de actividades en papel en casa, además de algunas actividades en línea. Cuando hayas terminado, descarga e imprime tu insignia virtual de Junior Ranger.
Las insignias de madera de Junior Ranger solo están disponibles para los Junior Rangers que completen nuestro folleto impreso mientras visitan Bent's Old Fort.
Last updated: December 19, 2024
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Contact Info
Mailing Address:
35110 State Highway 194
La Junta,
719 383-5010
Staff are available Monday through Friday to take your call from 9:00 a. m. - 3:30 p. m. Mountain Time. If no one is available to take your call, please leave a message, and someone will return your call as soon as possible.