Sail into Josiah Gregg's "grand prairie ocean" as a young trader along the Santa Fe Trail in the 1830s and 1840s. This unit contains seven lessons tied to Colorado state standards in social studies, language arts, and science. Beginning with a hook activity, learners will be given opportunity to deeply reflect on the experiences Josiah Gregg recorded in his journal. The unique conditions of the southern Great Plains during the fur trade era will be related to its relevance today. Each lesson provides a ready-made two-question exit ticket assessment, extension activities, social/emotional learning options, supporting documents, and links to further resources including "The Commerce of the Prairies" digital text. The unit is not sequential, allowing you to explore the lessons that best fit the needs of your class in the order you choose. Topics explored are: navigation and technology, geography, riverways, optics and mirage, climate and ecology, flora and fauna, and culture and languages. |
Last updated: September 30, 2024