News Release
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Contact: Liz Davis
The Old Ferry Landing construction project is complete and the recreation area is open. This project raised the existing bulkhead approximately two feet and replaced deteriorating boardwalks at this popular crabbing spot and kayak launch. Work will continue throughout the winter to improve visitor amenities and signage, but no further closures are anticipated at this location. The improved, raised bulkhead and new boardwalks will provide much needed resilience during storms and high tides that have damaged Old Ferry Landing over the years. Your Fee Dollars made these improvements possible!This project was funded by park entrance and pass fees and is an example of your fee dollars at work. 80% of all revenue from Assateague Island National Seashore entrance fees or the local sales of the various Federal Interagency Passes stays right here in the park to fund this type of visitor related project. The other 20% goes into a fund which can be used by parks with no entrance fee or very low fee revenues. Examples of projects funded in the last year are the new boardwalk at the Maryland Visitor Center, renovation of well #1 on the island, design of a new freshwater distribution system for the island, reconstruction of the state line fence, and replacement of the entrance sign at the visitor center. Major renovations to the Life of the Marsh and Life of the Forest Trails will continue over the winter with an anticipated completion date of March 2023.
For general information about the Seashore and park activities access the park’s web site at or call 410-641-1441.
Last updated: December 7, 2022