
Check Out the New San Francisco Bay Area Inventory and Monitoring Network Website

Screenshots of a vital sign (left) and park (right) webpages on the new San Francisco Bay Area Network website
Examples of the new park and vital sign pages on the recently-redone San Francisco Bay Area Network website.

April 2018 - The San Francisco Bay Area Inventory and Monitoring Network (SFAN) Website is now fully updated!

The new website features a modern look and feel, is fully accessible, mobile friendly, and makes it easier to find and share information across all National Park Service websites. You can access the site by navigating to or

Through the website you can get up-to-date information about each of the long-term monitoring programs through seasonal updates and blog articles. You can also get reports, resource briefs, and more on the specific monitoring web pages:

If you want to find inventory and monitoring information by park, you can do that too by visiting the SFAN park web pages. These park-specific pages will tell you what programs the inventory and monitoring program is implementing in the park and provide reports and documents that are relevant for your park of interest:

Golden Gate National Recreation Area, John Muir National Historic Site, Muir Woods National Monument, Pinnacles National Park, Point Reyes National Seashore

Last updated: April 30, 2018