
Significant Figures of the Pony Express, California, Oregon, and Mormon Pioneer Trails

These stories are a part of a 2016–2018 collaborative project of the National Trails- National Park Service and the University of New Mexico’s Department of History, “Student Experience in National Trails Historic Research: Vignettes Project.”

This project was formulated to provide trail partners and the general public with useful biographies of less-studied trail figures—particularly African Americans, Hispanics, American Indians, women, and children.

Thank you to the Oregon-California Trails Association for providing review of draft essays.

Three women sit for a portrait in 19th century dresses.
People of the Oregon Trail

Learn more about the challenging journeys of the people on the Oregon Trail.

A historical portrait of a woman.
People of the Mormon Pioneer Trail

Stories from people on the 1846 and 1847 treks.

Four men sit for a portrait in western attire.
People of the Pony Express

Learn more about the stories of the pony express riders.

A historical portrait of a man in a suit.
People of the California Trail

Not all goldminers! Learn more about some of the lesser-known figures of the California Trail.

California National Historic Trail, Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail, Oregon National Historic Trail, Pony Express National Historic Trail

Last updated: March 20, 2023