![]() Tamarix chinensis Family: Tamaricaceae – Tamarisk Family The non-native Tamarix chinensis (Tamarisk or Salt cedar) is the only species from this family represented at Arches National Park. Shrubs or small tree to 19.8' (6 m) tall; bark reddish brown; intricate branching Leaves: alternate; scalelike; entire Flowers: 5 fragrant white to pink or lavender petals borne in elongated clusters; 5 sepals; stamens usually as many as or twice as many as the petals; 1 pistil; petals 0.04” to 0.072” (1 to 1.8 mm) long Pollinators: insects Fruits: capsule Blooms in Arches National Park: April, May, June, July, August, September Habitat in Arches National Park: widespread cultivated tree that escaped along seeps and riparian areas Location seen: Wolfe Ranch, Colorado River, Hwy. 128, Hwy. 279 Other: The genus name, “Tamarix”, is named for the Tamaris River in Spain and the species name, “chinensis”, means “of China” which refers to its Eurasian distribution. This plant from Eurasia was planted intentionally to control erosion. It reached Utah sometime following the turn of the century. It was well established by the 1920's along the Colorado River and its tributaries. It spreads so rapidly and so extensively that there is little hope of eradicating it. |
Last updated: February 4, 2023