![]() Quercus havardii var. tuckeri Synonyms: (A Utah Flora - Quercus welshii). Other scientific names in other sources: Quercus undulata Family: Fagaceae – Beech Family Quercus is the only genus from this family represented at Arches National Park; Shrubs or small trees; clonal; deciduous; 2' to 6' tall Leaves: alternate; simple; lobed or toothed; hairy on both sides (more hairy when young); 0.6” to 2.2” (1.5 to 5.5 cm) long, 0.36” to 1.32” (0.9 to 3.3 cm) wide Flowers: Monoecious - female (pistillate) flowers and male (staminate) flowers on same plant; unisexual; borne in catkins or in peduncled head that hang downwards; flowers usually axillary on young shoots; female (pistillate) flowers have 0 petals; 4 to 8 lobed sepals; 1 pistil; stigma is 3 lobed; male (staminate) flowers have 0 petals; 4 to 7 lobed sepals; 3 to 12 stamens Pollinators: other Quercus species are pollinated by wind Fruits: acorn (1 seeded nut); ripens August/September Blooms in Arches National Park: April, May Habitat in Arches National Park: usually in sand in desert shrub and pinyon-juniper communities Location seen: widespread, Visitor Center area, Windows, Fiery Furnace, Devils Garden Other: The genus name, “Quercus”, is Latin for “oak" and the species name, "havardii", honors the French-born surgeon/naturalist Valery Havard (1846-1927) who traveled in the West identifying plants and describing plant communities. The type specimen was collected July 10, 1985 . The species name, “welshii”, is credited to R. A. Denham, who annotated all specimens at Brigham Young University with the epithet, “welshii” at specific rank. Stanley Larson Welsh is a Professor of Integrative Biology at Brigham Young University and one of the authors of A Utah Flora. The variety name, “tuckeri”, honors John Maurice Tucker (1916- ), Professor Emeritus of Botany, University of California, Davis. Different oak species hybridize; often two species can be found on the same plant. Shinnery and Gambel's oak are types of white oak which have leaves with rounded lobes and some teeth and acorns which mature in 1 year. Live Oak is a type of red oak which has pointed lobes and acorns which mature in 2 years. Gambel's oak is poisonous to livestock because of the tannins. Oak galls are caused by wasps. |
Last updated: January 27, 2023