![]() Echinocereus triglochidiatus var. melancanthus Family: Cactaceae - Cactus Family Perennial herbaceous succulents; 3.2” to 6” (8 to 15 centimeters) tall; 1.2” to 2.4” (3 to 6 centimeters) thick Leaves: spines are modified leaves; has fleshy pads, 9 or 10 ribs Flowers: showy; red; generally bisexual, petaloid sepals; stamens numerous, 1 style; flowers 0.2” to 0.3” (5 to 7.5 mm) long Pollinators: other genuses in this family are pollinated by insects Fruits: large dry or fleshy many-seeded berry Blooms in Arches National Park: April, May, June Habitat in Arches National Park: desert shrub and pinyon-juniper communities Location seen: Delicate Arch Viewpoint, Courthouse Wash rock art panel, Freshwater Canyon , outside Arches National Park on the trail to Corona Arch and on Rough & Rocky Mesa Other: The genus name, “Echinocereus”, is from the Greek “echinos” which means “hedgehog” referring to this plant's resemblance to the animal. The species name, “triglochidiatus”, means “with three barbed bristles” coming from the Greek "tri" which means “three” and “glochis” which means “a point” referring to the straight spines arranged in clusters of three. The variety name, “melanacanthus”, means a “black spine”. Root systems are shallow unless deep water. Stomates (pores) are open during the night, allowing entry of carbon dioxide, which is chemically stored; during the day the carbon dioxide is used in photosynthesis. |
Last updated: February 13, 2022