![]() Cymopterus purpureus var. purpureus Family: Apiaceae (A Utah Flora - Umbelliferae) - Carrot or Parsley Family Perennial herbs from taproots; some strongly aromatic; 2” to 10.4” (5 to 26 cm) tall; stems usually stout, furrowed, with hollow internodes Leaves: basal (or basal and 1 to few cauline mostly on the lower half of the stems); compound Flowers: 5 petals; 5 sepals or lacking; small flowers in clusters (compound umbel); 5 stamens; 1 pistil; 2 styles; petals yellow when fresh, drying dark purple in age, 5 to 22 rays, rays 0.08” to 3.8”(0.2 to 9.5 cm) long Pollinators: other species of Cymopterus are pollinated by insects; self-fertile Fruits: schizocarp; flat and wide with lateral wings – splits into 2 halves, each 1 seeded Blooms in Arches National Park: March, April, May Habitat in Arches National Park: desert shrub and pinyon-juniper communities Location seen: Windows, Fiery Furnace, Broken Arch trail, outside Arches National Park in Negro Bill Canyon Other: The genus name, “Cymopterus”, is from the Greek “cyma” which means “wave” and “pteron” which means “wing”, referring to its fruit. The species name, “purpureus”, means “purple” referring to the petals. The family has economic importance because it contains numerous food plants, condiments, ornamentals. There are also poisonous species. Tuberous roots. The family identification depends on anatomical details of fruits and seeds. |
Last updated: February 24, 2015