Teacher Packet Outline

Utilize the following outline to access specific elements of the Teacher Packet. These elements correlate with the Virginia Standards of Learning for Virginia Studies (4th Grade), United States History I (6th), Virginia and United States History (11th), Math 4, Math 6, Algebra I, Algebra II, and Writing 4th, 6th, and 11th Grades. (A PDF of the following outline without links can be printed by clicking here.) The Virginia Standards of Learning(SOL) have been updated and are currently being adopted. The SOL references below (VS. 1, 7) means Virginia Studies, VS7. The USI.1,9 means US History to 1865, USI.9. The VUS.1,7 means Virginia and US History, VUS7.

Anticipatory and Conclusion Activity

I. The Appomattox Campaign – From Petersburg to Appomattox, March 29-April 9, 1865 (SOLs VS.1,7, USI.1,9, VUS.1,7) V. Map of Lee’s Retreat (SOLs VS.1i, USI.1f, VUS.1d,g)

A. Autumn 1864

B. February 1865

C. Lee Decides to Leave Petersburg

D. Five Forks

E. Petersburg and Richmond Evacuated, April 2-3

F. Lee’s Plan

G. Amelia Court House – Disappointment – April 4th

H. Jetersville – April 5th

I. Painesville

J. Sailor’s Creek

K. Farmville – April 7th

L. Grant Asks Lee to Surrender – April 7th

M. Lee Moves Further West

N. April 8th – Afternoon and Evening

O. April 9th – Morning

II. The Final Battles – Appomattox Station and Appomattox Court House, Virginia, April 8th and 9th, 1865 (SOLs VS.1,7, USI.1,9, VUS.1,7)

A. April 8th – Afternoon

B. April 8th – Evening

C. April 9th – 2:00 AM

D. April 9th – 9:00 AM

E. April 9th – 11:00 AM – Flag of Truce

F. Lee Surrounded

III. The Gentlemen’s Agreement – Lee’s Surrender (SOLs VS.1,7, USI.1,9, VUS.1,7)

A. Lee’s Request to Meet With Grant

B. Lee Rests Under the Apple Tree

C. Marshall Finds a Place for the Meeting

D. The Generals Arrive at the McLean House

E. Lee Asks for the Terms

F. Lee Makes a Request for His Men

G. Grant’s Generosity

H. The Gentlemen’s Agreement

IV. The End of Hostilities – The Surrenders Following Lee’s Surrender (SOLs VS.1,7, USI.1,9, VUS.1,7)

A. Introduction

B. Sherman and Johnston – Bennett Place near Durham Station, NC – April 14th-28th

C. Canby and Taylor – Citronelle, AL – May 4th

D. Jefferson Davis Captured, May 10th

E. Canby and Smith – Palmito Ranch – May 26th

F. Watie and the Cherokee Rifle Brigade – June 23rd

G. CSS Shenandoah Surrenders at Liverpool, England – November 6th

V. Paroles (SOLs VS.1,7, USI.1,9, VUS.1,7)

A. Terms of Surrender

B. Lee and Grant Meet Again on April 10th

C. Printing of the Paroles

VI. McLean House (SOLs VS.1,7, USI.1,9, VUS.1,7)

A. The Use of the House

B. The Post War Years

VII. Growth and Decline of Appomattox Court House (SOLs VS.1e, USI,1b, VUS.1g,i)

A. History of Founding of Appomattox County

B. Commerce and Society

C. African Americans in Appomattox County

D. Appomattox County Today

VIII. Commemoration and Preservation (SOLs VS.1e, USI,1b, VUS.1g,i)

A. Creation of the National Historical Monument, April 10, 1940

B. McLean House Reconstructed

IX. Documents Related to the Surrender (SOLs VS.1a,7, USI.1a,9, VUS.1a,7)

A. Copy of the of a copy of the Surrender Terms, transcription of the Surrender Terms, Copy of Lee’s Acceptance Letter to Grant’s terms and transcription of Lee's Acceptance Letter.

B. Transcription of “General Order #9”

C. A copy of a Parole Pass can be found at https://www.nps.gov/apco/learn/historyculture/paroling-the-army-of-northern-virginia.htm

X. The Park Service Years – 1940 to Present A. Creation of the National Historical Monument, April 10, 1940 B. McLean House Reconstructed

XI. Bibliography

XV. Activities and Suggested Reading

A. Common Soldier Activity
B. A Nation Divided Map Activity
C. Virginia Battles and Lee’s Retreat Map Activity
D. Scavenger Hunt
E. Word Search 1
F. Word Search Advanced
G. Crossword Puzzle
H. My Thoughts Journal Entry Exercise
I. Civil War Glossary
J. Chronology Activity
K. Surrender of Arms Map Activity


Activity A – SOLs Math 4.4, 6.6, A.1, AII.1

Activity B – SOLs VS.1i, USI.1f, VUS.1d,g

Activity C – SOLs VS.1,7, USI.1,9, VUS.1,7

Activity D – SOLs VS.1,7, USI.1,9, VUS.1,7

Activity E – SOLs VS.1,7, USI.1,9, VUS.1,7

Activity F – SOLs VS.1,7, USI.1,9, VUS.1,7

Activities H and I – SOLs Writing 4.7, 4.8, 6.6, 6.7, 11.7, 11.8, 11.9

Activity J – SOLs VS.1f, USI.1c, VUS.1d

Last updated: August 20, 2023

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Appomattox Court House National Historical Park
P.O. Box 218

Appomattox, VA 24522


434 694-8904

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