No! We are a fee-free and reservation-free site. Please check our current conditions page and our social media accounts for up-to-date information about potential severe weather closures.
During the winter, snow storms and blizzards often force road closures in the surrounding areas.
Do You Need a Permit?
Per 36 CFR §1.6, there are a number of activities that require a permit and special permission from the Superintendent. All of these involve significant potential impacts on other visitors' use and enjoyment of the monument. Or they may impact our fragile, irreplacable resources.
Inquiries about special use activity requirements and permit applications may be made by contacting:
Agate Fossil Beds National Monument
301 River Road
Harrison, NE 69346
telephone (308) 665-4113
Non-exclusive list of activities that require a permit:
§2.4(d) Carry or possess a weapon, trap, or net (excluding legal firearms)
§2.5(a) Specimen collection (Take plant, fish, wildlife, rocks or minerals)
§2.10(a) The following camping activities:
Camping in association with a special event or public gathering for which a permit has been issued pursuant to §2.50 or §2.51. Note: Camping without a permit is prohibited on federal land within the boundaries of the park.
§2.12 Audio Disturbances:
(a)(2) Operating a chain saw in developed areas
(a)(3) Operation of any type of portable motor or engine, or device powered by a portable motor or engine in non-developed areas
(a)(4) Operation of a public address system in connection with a public gathering or special event for which a permit has been issued pursuant to §2.50 or §2.51.
§2.17 Aircraft & Air Delivery:
(a)(3) Delivery or retrieval of a person or object by parachute, helicopter or other airborne means
(c)(1) Removal of a downed aircraft
§2.37 Soliciting or demanding gifts, money goods or services (Pursuant to the terms and conditions of a permit issued under §2.50, §2.51 or §2.52)
§2.38 Explosives:
(a) Use, possess, store, transport explosives, blasting agents
(b) Use or possess fireworks
§2.50(a) Conduct a sports event, pageant, regatta, public spectator attraction, entertainment, ceremony, and similar events
§2.51(a) Public assemblies, meetings, gatherings, demonstrations, parades and other public expressions of views
§2.52(c) Sale or distribution of printer matter that is not solely commercial advertising
§2.60(b) Livestock use
§2.61(a) Residing on federal lands
§2.62 Memorialization:
(a) Erection of monuments (Requires approval from Regional Director)
(b) Scattering ashes from human cremation
§3.3 Use of a vessel
§5.1 Advertisements - (Display, posting or distribution.)
§5.2(b) Sale of intoxicants on private lands.
§5.3 Engaging in or soliciting any business (Requires a permit, contract or other written agreement with the United States, or must be pursuant to special regulations).
§5.5 Commercial Filming, Still Photography, and Audio Recording:
(a) Commercial filming and still photography activities are subject to the provisions of 43 CFR Part 5. All commerical filming requires a permit. Still photography does not require a permit unless:
It uses a model, set, or prop
It takes place where members of the public are not allowed
The park would incur costs to provide onsite managemet to proterct resources or minimize visitor use conflicts.
(b) Audio recording does not require a permit unless:
It takes place at locations where or when members of the public are generally not allowed
The equipment requires mechanical transport
It requires an external power source
The activity requires monitoring
The activity impacts resources
§5.7 Construction of buildings, facilities, trails, roads, boat docks, path, structure, etc.
§6.9(a) Operation of a solid waste disposal site
Inquiries about special use activity requirements and permit applications may be made by contacting Superintendent, Agate Fossil Beds National Monument, 301 River Road, Harrison, NE 69346. (telephone (308) 668-2211, fax (308) 668-2318).
Changes to Commercial Filming Permits on Park Land
Effective October 28, 2022, the National Park Service (NPS) has rescinded interim guidance that was in place during litigation regarding commercial filming and has returned to longstanding laws and regulations governing commercial filming in parks.
Commercial Filming
"Commercial filming" means the film, electronic, magnetic, digital, or other recording of a moving image by a person, business, or other entity for a market audience with the intent of generating income. Examples include, but are not limited to, feature film, videography, and documentaries. Commercial filming may include the advertisement of a product or service, or the use of actors, models, sets, or props.
When is a permit needed for commercial filming?
Under federal law, all commercial filming that occurs within a unit of the National Park System requires a permit. Federal law requires a permit for all commercial filming, no matter the size of the crew or the type of equipment. This includes individuals or small groups that don’t use much equipment, but generate revenue by posting footage on websites, such as YouTube and TikTok.
The primary focus of the NPS, however, is on commercial filming that has the potential to impact park resources and visitors beyond what occurs from normal visitor use of park areas. Examples of this type of filming are productions that use substantial equipment such as sets and lighting, productions with crews that exceed 5 people, and filming in closed areas, wilderness areas, or in locations that would create conflicts with other visitors or harm sensitive resources. All filmers, no matter the size, must comply with all rules that apply in park areas, just like other visitors.
For questions about commercial filming at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument, please contact us.
Still Photography
When is a permit needed for still photography?
In most cases, still photography does not require a permit. A permit is required for still photography only when:
the activity takes place at location(s) where or when members of the public are generally not allowed; or
the activity uses model(s), sets(s), or prop(s) that are not a part of the location's natural or cultural resources or administrative facilities; or
park would incur additional administrative costs to monitor the activity.
A “model” means a person or object that serves as the subject for still photography for the purpose of promoting the sale or use of a product or service. Models include, but are not limited to, individuals, animals, or inanimate objects, such as vehicles, boats, articles of clothing, and food and beverage products. Portrait subjects, such as wedding parties and high school graduates, are not considered models.