Contact: Jim McKenna, (207) 288-8733
On Saturday, June 24, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Jessica Muhlin, Ph.D. candidate from the University of Maine, will present A Novel Use for an Ordinary Fruit at the Schoodic Education and Research Center. This workshop will begin with an introduction to the reproductive ecology of the rockweed, Fucus vesiculosus, and a summary of Jessica’s research on the ecology and population genetics of rockweed in coastal Maine. A component of Jessica’s work includes the use of marked oranges to coarsely characterize coastal circulation patterns around her sampling sites. Hands-on participation will include releasing 100 oranges at 4 locations on the Schoodic peninsula (simultaneously!) and observing the trajectories of the oranges to add to her existing data on local currents. Dress appropriately for conducting field work: wear closed-toe shoes, long pants, and layered clothing. This workshop is part of the Resource Acadia program, which is designed to expose Acadia National Park’s neighboring communities to interesting environmental issues within the park and region. Workshops provide insight into how scientists design and conduct research to answer complex ecological and environmental questions, and offer hands-on, experiential learning opportunities. The data generated is useful for park researchers and managers and allows them to share current information with the public. Local residents, teachers, students, business owners, and visitors are invited and |
Last updated: February 26, 2015