Public information meeting on Special Use Permits.

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Date: October 14, 2015
Contact: John Kelly, 207-288-8703

There will be a public information meeting about special use permits on Monday, October 19, 6:30–7:30 pm. The meeting will be held in the training room at Park Headquarters, which is located Eagle Lake Road (ME 233) in Bar Harbor.

A special park use is defined as an activity that provides a benefit to an individual, group, or organization—rather than the public at large—and requires some degree of management control from the park to protect resources and the public interest. The park encourages special park uses that accomplish any or all of the following: supports the mission of the NPS; adds to the public understanding and enjoyment of the park; promotes a sense of ownership and stewardship for the park and its resources; enhances the protection of park resources and values; and provides for an increased level of visitor safety.

Please join us for a presentation and question and answer session about the purpose of special use permits and when they are required. For more information about the meeting, please contact Stuart West, Chief Ranger, at 207-288-8770 or

Last updated: October 15, 2015

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