Centennial Winter Events

Superintendent Kevin Schneider at Bean Supper 2016
Superintendent Kevin Schneider greeting community members attending the Bean Suppah.

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News Release Date: February 2, 2016

Contact: John Kelly, 207-288-8703

The National Park Service and more than 270 Acadia Centennial Partners are celebrating Acadia National Park's centennial in 2016 with a year-long series of community events. A complete list of events is available at www.acadiacentennial2016.org.

The Mount Desert Island Historical Society and Friends of Island History hosted a baked bean supper on January 25th as the centennial kick-off event. It was attended by more than 400 people. The event included the premier of Peter Logue's film, Acadia Is..., which shared community perspectives about the park and provided an overview of the exciting events to come in 2016.

"We are excited to follow the successful centennial kick-off event with a series of events throughout the winter that will inform and inspire park visitors and members of our community," said Superintendent Kevin Schneider.

Throughout February, public libraries across Hancock County will host One Park–One Read events. One Park–One Read invites everyone to join in a community read that celebrates Acadia National Park, Mount Desert Island, and Maine. A community reading program gets everyone in one area to read and discuss the same book. For adults, the non-fiction selection is The End of Night: Searching for Natural Darkness in an Age of Artificial Light by Paul Bogard, and the fiction selection is Spoonhandle by Ruth Moore. For children, the book is Small as an Elephant by Jennifer Richards Jacobson, which is appropriate for children 8 to 12 years old. Participating public libraries will be offering community read activities, such as book discussions, programs, exhibits, and other fun happenings. Individual events will be listed on the Acadia Centennial website as they are developed.

From February 26 to March 6, the Acadia Winter Festival will take place at Schoodic Education and Research Center in Winter Harbor and at Camp Beech Cliff in Mount Desert. The festival includes 20 community partners that are joining together to present more than 50 events to celebrate Acadia and the natural world in winter. Authors, craftsmen, and photographers will present workshops and lectures—many events offered for free to the public. Outdoor activities for the entire family include music, a winter-themed movie, bird tours, outdoor cooking with a Dutch oven, ice skating, and more. For more information about the festival, please visit www.acadiawinterfestival.org.

"Acadia centennial events are also happening across the state," added Chief of Interpretation Lynne Dominy. "The Maine Arts Commission is currently displaying Acadia-focused art by Maine artists in the Maine State House, on the corner of Capitol and State streets in August. The exhibit will open weekdays from 8 am to 5 pm through the end of March."

The National Park Service and Acadia Centennial Partners are offering events in the communities around the park—in classrooms, art galleries, libraries, historical societies, museums, theaters, restaurants, gift shops, and gardens. The celebration is also an online dialogue where personal stories, photos, art, and ideas can be shared on social media and local websites. Please visit www.acadiacentennial2016.org for information on the events, official centennial merchandise, and information on how to become an Acadia Centennial Partner.

Last updated: February 3, 2016

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