
A path winding across a topographical map that features an email symbol, a fingerprint, an ID card, and website addresses reading usastaffing.gov, portal.usaccess.gsa.gov, and edoiu.doi.gov. The trail is marked by three dots.
The path to your first day involves emails, obtaining an ID card, and completing forms.

If you received a job offer from the National Park Service, there are a few things you need to do before your first day. Learn what you need to do at each step in the onboarding or “preboarding” process:

  1. Tentative Selection
  2. Official Job Offer
  3. Preparing for Your First Day

Please contact our Human Resources Division if you have questions about this process. If you are not an onboarding employee but want to work for the National Park Service, explore job opportunities with us. We have over 400 national parks and offices throughout US states, districts, and territories.

Last updated: January 23, 2025