DBB 1.0 Predesign (PD)

Begin Historic Property Project Documentation (HPPD) Completion.

1.1 Prepare Contextual Analysis (Not Required for Designated Historic Structures and Cultural Landscapes)

Document existing Building Character and Site Character using the Contextual Analysis template.

Template: Contextual Analysis

1.2 Prepare Project Program

Using the PMIS Project Statement (Project Management Information System), Project Data Sheet (PDS), Program Requirements, Facility Planning Model (if applicable), Project Sustainability Application Decision Matrix, and applicable portions of the NPS Project Sustainability Checklist as the basis for programming, prepare the Project Program. The Project Program includes a Site Analysis, a Site Program, and an Architectural Program.

Template: NPS Project Sustainability Checklist

Guidance: Project Sustainability Application Decision Matrix (pdf)

1.3 Prepare Integrated Design Narrative

Working collaboratively within the integrated design team, complete the Integrated Design Narrative documenting the integrated design process used during the Predesign phase.

Template: Integrated Design Narrative

1.4 Complete Contextual Analysis Template (when required)

Document proposed Building Character and Site Character using the Contextual Analysis template.

Template: Contextual Analysis

1.5 Permitting

Select Permitting Lead

If neither a Park nor Denver Service Center (DSC) Staff Member has been leading the permitting process, provide name and qualifications of an Architect-Engineer (A/E) staff member for approval to act as the Permitting Lead.

The Permitting Lead shall:

  • Manage the DSC permitting process.
  • Provide quality control (QC) of permitting submittals.
  • Coordinate with relevant Agencies.

Minimum qualifications:

  • 5 years or more experience acquiring permits for projects.
  • Experience with the jurisdictional permitting processes where the project resides.
  • Be skilled at managing and documenting permitting processes including timelines and scheduling.

Tasks include:

  • Document the DSC permitting process, including communication with Agencies.
  • Meet submittal deadlines and quality.
  • Act as the point of contact for the permit process management team.
  • Track, understand, and communicate the status of permits until they are issued.
  • Bring any issues to the project team and lead the effort to resolve them.

1.5.1 Initiate Permit Scoping & Prepare Permitting Assessment Form (PAF)

Evaluate potential jurisdictions and Agencies that apply to the project. Identify applicable project topics, missing information, and decisions needed to determine applicable permits. Use this information and any information provided by National Park Service to identify permits. If information is insufficient to identify permits, inform National Park Service and include necessary steps to obtain needed information.

Research missing information and questions in the PAF. Review the design as it develops for applicable regulations and applicable permits. Document resolutions to issues, identify additional concerns, and identify permits.

Form: Permitting Assessment

Sample: Permitting Assessment


1.6 Complete NPS Project Sustainability Checklist (PD portion)

Working collaboratively within the integrated design team, complete the Predesign (PD) portion of the NPS Project Sustainability Checklist and use the Project Sustainability Application Decision Matrix to determine how federal sustainability requirements apply to the project.

Template: NPS Project Sustainability Checklist

Guidance: Project Sustainability Application Decision Matrix (pdf)

1.7 Prepare Class C Uniformat Construction Cost Estimate

Based on the Project Program and NPS Project Sustainability Checklist requirements prepared above, prepare an independent Class C Uniformat Construction Cost Estimate using the Class C Uniformat Construction Cost Estimate template.



1.8 Predesign (PD) Deliverables

1.8.1 Submit 100% Draft Predesign (PD) Documents for Review

  • Project Program
  • Integrated Design Narrative
  • Contextual Analysis (when required)
  • Permitting Assessment Form (PAF)
  • NPS Project Sustainability Checklist
  • Class C Uniformat Construction Cost Estimate
  • Checklists for internal review of documents and cost estimates
    • Required documents for each submission are included and complete per contract requirements.
    • Required documents have been through a Quality Control (QC) review. National Park Service requires documentation and submittal of QC work performed.

1.8.2 Submit Final Predesign (PD) Documents

Resolve 100% Draft PD Documents review comments and incorporate resolutions into Final PD Documents. Submit Final PD Documents and responses to review comments, utilizing the NPS DSC Quality Assurance (QA) Review Comments form, within 15 calendar days after receiving comments.


Last updated: September 10, 2024

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