Hunt Area Maps

The maps on this page show important information for hunters including game management unit boundaries; park, preserve, and wilderness boundaries; trails; and non-federal lands within the boundaries of Wrangell-St. Elias. All maps can be viewed on a PDF reader or printed. Some of the maps are georeferenced PDFs that can be uploaded to a GPS-enabled mobile device, such as a smart phone.

State of Alaska and federal subsistence hunt areas

Federal Subsistence hunt areas

State of Alaska hunt areas

To create and download georeferenced pdf maps of other areas, please see the interactive Hunting, Fishing and Backcountry Planning Map.

This interactive map includes information about land status (park, preserve, wilderness, non-NPS lands), trails, GMU boundaries, and key hunt area boundaries. You can zoom into areas of interest, turn on and off layers relevant to your trip, and download customized georeferenced PDF (Portable Document Format) maps that can be printed, displayed on a PDF reader, or uploaded to a GPS-enabled mobile device, such as a smart phone.

Federal Subsistence Resident Zone Communities Wrangell-St. Elias National Park has 23 resident zone communities: Chisana, Chistochina, Chitina, Copper Center, Dot Lake, Gakona, Gakona Junction, Glennallen, Gulkana, Healy Lake, Kenny Lake, Lower Tonsina, McCarthy, Mentasta Lake, Nabesna, Northway, Slana, Tazlina, Tanacross, Tetlin, Tok, Tonsina, and Yakutat. Resident zone community boundaries have been established for the communities of Dot Lake, Healy Lake, Northway, Tanacross and Tetlin. See maps below:

Last updated: July 17, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Wrangell-St. Elias National Park & Preserve
PO Box 439
Mile 106.8 Richardson Highway

Copper Center, AK 99573


907 822-5234

Contact Us