Fundamental Resources and Values

Fundamental Resources and Values of the Pearl Harbor National Memorial

The Pearl Harbor National Memorial preserves and protects key resources and values that contribute to its significance. These fundamental elements are integral to the site's mission and the stories it shares with visitors:

  1. Historic Structures of Battleship Row: This includes the shipwrecks, submerged resources, mooring quays (F6 North and South, F7 North and South, and F8 North and South), six Chief Petty Officer Bungalows, and other historic and archeological sites. These tangible features serve as lasting remnants of Battleship Row and the broader Pearl Harbor area.

  2. The USS Arizona, USS Utah, and USS Oklahoma Memorials: These memorials offer spaces for reflection, commemoration, and education about the events of December 7, 1941, and the sacrifices made during the Pacific War. They are vital symbols of remembrance.

  3. Physical Record: The original objects, records, manuscripts, photos, and oral histories documenting the Pacific War form an invaluable historical archive. These materials offer insight into the buildup to war, the events of the war, and its aftermath, preserving the legacy of this pivotal moment in history.

  4. Knowledge and Understanding of the Pacific War: The memorial fosters ongoing research and dialogue about the social, political, and economic impacts of the Pacific War. First-hand accounts from those who experienced the war contribute to the preservation of the site's historical resources and deepen public understanding.

  5. Reaching People with an Authentic Story: As an internationally recognized and highly visited site, the Pearl Harbor National Memorial plays a critical role in reaching and educating visitors about the Pacific War. Through exhibits, commemorative events, public programs, and guided tours to the USS Arizona Memorial, the site shares its story with a global audience.

  6. Sense of Place: Visitors are invited to physically connect with the historic landscape of the Pearl Harbor National Historic Landmark. The preserved artifacts and remnants of the war allow visitors to form personal and meaningful connections with the Pacific War and the sacrifices made by those who served.

Last updated: September 13, 2024

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Mailing Address:

National Park Service
Pearl Harbor National Memorial
1 Arizona Memorial Place

Honolulu, HI 96818


808 422-3399

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