Junior Ranger

Tuzigoot Junior Ranger Cover

Tuzigoot National Monument Jr Ranger Program

The Junior Ranger program is a group of fun activities which focus on archeology and preservation in understanding our past and our present. The program is available at the Tuzigoot Visitor Center, or you can download it here and turn it in to a ranger when you visit.

Those wishing to become a Junior Ranger can work on activites while in the park. The activites relate to the wildlife, ecosystem, and archaeology of Tuzigoot National Monument. It allows you to get a glimpse in the daily life of the ancient people who lived here. When you are done with the book, Junior Rangers earn a wooden badge to add to their collection!

Note: There is no age limit to become a Junior Ranger. That means everyone is eligible to become an official Junior Ranger!

Many other Junior Ranger programs are availible through our national program. For more information visit the national Junior Ranger website.

Arizona Junior Ranger Archeology Activity Book

This program is retired and will no longer be offered. However, if you still have the book and are looking to recieve a badge for your hard work just mail us a copy of the completed book and we will mail you a badge back!

Note: Stock is limited for Junior Ranger Archeology badges.

Az Explorer Patch

Ready for Your Arizona Adventure?

Arizona is unique, diverse state filled with stories just waiting to be discovered. Our Arizona Explorer Junior Ranger Book will help you and your family discover what makes Arizona special. Featuring many activities for all ages, this book can serve as a journey through all 22 National Park Service units in the state. We have them available in person or you can complete the virtual version. Once you complete at least 5 of the 8 activites in the book you can earn you Arziona Explorer patch!

When you complete the required amount of activities, you can bring it in person to a ranger to receive your physicial patch. You can also download the patch image for a virtual version of the Arizona Eplorer patch.

Note: Supplies on Arizona Explorer books and patches are limited and not all Arizona National Park Sites will have them on hand.

Last updated: October 30, 2024

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Camp Verde, AZ 86322



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