Want to support the park, but unsure how? One way is to donate! Donation funds allow the Timucuan Preserve to provide free events for our community, print educational materials, or make repairs to trails and buildings. You can make a gift to benefit our park directly to the National Park Service. If you make the gift directly to the park, the entire gift will be used - no administrative cost is deducted from your gift directly to the National Park Service. Your check will be deposited in a government account. Government accounts are non-interest bearing and cannot generate interest between the time it is deposited and the time it is spent. For security and other reasons, you cannot make online contributions directly to the park or the National Park Service. Your interest in park philanthropy is deeply appreciated. The tradition of philanthropy in support of the National Parks began over a century ago and continues today. You are helping to make a critical difference in protecting our park's resources and serving our visitors for present and future generations. Thanks again! For more information, call or write the Timucuan Preserve Headquarters facility: National Park Service 904.221.5568
Last updated: April 14, 2015