Thing to Do

Hike to the Horse Collar Ruin Overlook

Natural Bridges National Monument

circular stone structures tucked into an alcove in the cliff-side

Natural Bridges National Monument

circular structures with horse-collar shaped doorways
Horse Collar Ruin is named after the horse-collar shaped doorways in two of the structures.
This view is only accessible from the canyon floor. The Overlook is on top of the mesa.

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Horse Collar Ruin

Once you reach the overlook, look across the canyon and down to the cluster of structures below. Binoculars are especially helpful in spotting the small details. Look for the ruin’s namesake – two doorways in the shape of horse collars.

We don’t know much about the structures of Horse Collar Ruin. We believe they were built by ancestral Puebloans, who left the area more than 700 years ago. Why are the structures so perfectly round? Why did their builders not use the back of the alcove as a wall and save themselves a great deal of work? Where they used for storage? If so, why is there evidence of fires lit inside them? These are just some of the many questions archeologists hope to one day answer. What do you think?

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Last updated: September 28, 2018