What We Do

A diverse and talented group of National Park Service (NPS) professional planners, construction managers, and laborers work together to keep America moving to and through their national parks!

The NPS uses asset management tools and practices to manage and improve its roads & pavement network and manage and improve its bridges, as well as manage congestion and improve safety. By gathering information on asset location, condition, deterioration, and possible fixes, asset management practices enable NPS to anticipate and prioritize maintenance and replacement needs based on given budgets & funding. This allows the NPS to determine the best actions to take from the standpoint of lowest costs to NPS, continued protection of resources, and greatest benefit to park visitors.

a man in uniform stands in hallway with poster next to him
Transportation Planning

Long range planning is a process that leads to better results, and cost effective and data driven decision making.

workers work on road, viewed from above
Projects & Current 5 Year Plan

Highlights on individual projects and our 5-year proposed plan for road, bridge, and alternative transportation projects.

a large bridge over a valley
Manage & Improve Bridges

A vast network of critical bridges requires wise asset management approaches. Learn more!

a road curves along side of a forested mountain
Manage & Improve Roads & Pavement

Learn more about how we use Informed decision making for pavement resurfacing, rehabilitation, and reconstruction projects.

cars backed up on southwestern road
Improve Congestion

Collecting traffic data, assessing conditions, and using appropriate planning processes can help reduce traffic and congestion issues.

people standing
Improve Safety

Learn about NPS approaches to collecting crash data for analysis and implementing corrective action to improve safety.

a chart showing visitation increase in 4 parks
Business Practices & Funding

Funding and finance information, performance metrics, program accomplishments, relevant laws and policy.

a row of shuttle buses in a parkinglot
Sustainability & Green Parks

Alternative transportation, alternative fuels, and other innovative solutions for keeping transportation clean and green.

a smiling female ranger greets a male visitor
Meet Our Professionals

Learn about the professionals who work in transportation in the National Park Service.

Last updated: August 26, 2024