NAGPRA created a Federal Advisory Review Committee charged with monitoring and reviewing the implementation of NAGPRA. Members are appointed by the Secretary of the Interior from nominations made by Indian Tribes, Native Hawaiian organizations, traditional Native American religious leaders, national museum organizations, and national scientific organizations.

Courtesy of JR Ancheta/University of Alaska Fairbanks.
The Review Committee is responsible for
- monitoring the NAGPRA inventory and identification process;
- reviewing and making findings related to the identity or cultural affiliation of cultural items, or the return of such items;
- facilitating the resolution of disputes;
- consulting with Indian Tribes and Native Hawaiian organizations and museums on matters affecting such tribes or organizations lying within the scope of work of the Review Committee; and
- consulting with the Secretary of the Interior on the development of regulations to carry out NAGPRA
Who serves on the Review Committee?
What does the Review Committee do?
What has the Review Committee reported?
»Reports to Congress
What recommendations has the Review Committee made?
»Requests and Recommendations
What authorizes the Review Committee?
Last updated: December 2, 2024