National Parks and Public Land Legacy Restoration Fund

Great American Outdoors Act infographic that shares basic statistics for fiscal year 2021 to 2025; detailed alternative text is on the webpage
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Image designed by the National Park Service

The National Parks and Public Lands Legacy Restoration Fund (LRF) established by the 2020 Great American Outdoors Act (GAOA) provides the National Park Service with up to $1.3 billion each year for five years, or $ 6.5 billion total, to address extensive and long overdue maintenance needs in national parks.

This is an extraordinary opportunity for crucial investments in our nation’s most meaningful landscapes. The network of roads, trails, restrooms, water treatment systems, and visitor facilities in national parks is aging and often exceeds the capacity for which it was designed. GAOA projects address key climate and environmental threats, upgrade trails, roads and buildings, support local economies, and incorporate partnerships. The funding helps protect and preserve historical, natural, recreational and educational features in national parks for the use and enjoyment of current and future visitors.

Since receiving Congressional approval to initiate work on GAOA Legacy Restoration Fund projects, the National Park Service has already programmed more than $4 billion for over 100 large-scale projects and 300 smaller, historic preservation activities spanning all 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Explore the projects currently funded LRF using interactive tools and see how GAOA is making an impact across the country or in your state. Download a list of projects for Fiscal Years 2021 to 2023 (XLXS 380KB) and a list of proposed projects for Fiscal Year 2024 (XLXS 384KB).

Legacy Restoration Fund Stories

Preservationist working on a window frame of a wooden building
Maintenance Action Teams (MAT)

Maintenance Action Teams are tackling deferred maintenance projects funded by the Legacy Restoration Fund.

Group breaking ground on a construction project
GAOA News & Stories

As GAOA projects get underway, stay up to date with news releases and discover stories about how GAOA is making a difference.

How the National Park Service Selects GAOA Projects

GAOA’s Legacy Restoration Fund is the largest funding source available to the National Park Service for major maintenance and construction projects. It addresses necessary large-scale projects on a level that could not be met through usual funding sources.

The project selection criteria include:

  • Addressing large projects that have been delayed because the cost exceeds funding capabilities
  • Readiness and capacity to do the job

Maintenance Action Teams are using approximately $37.4 million from the Legacy Restoration Fund to complete more than 270 smaller historic preservation maintenance and repair activities throughout the country.

These geographically based teams of skilled NPS employees trained in traditional historical preservation techniques preserve history for visitors today and in the future. You can find more information about completed MAT projects by visiting the interactive map, and project stories.

Reports by State

Fact sheets spanning fiscal years (FY) 21-25 are available with detailed information about National Park Service's Great American Outdoors Act (GAOA) Legacy Restoration Fund (LRF) projects by state including Maintenance Action Team (MAT) activities in FY 21-24.

Related Resources

  • Group breaking ground on a construction project
    GAOA News & Stories

    As GAOA projects get underway, stay up to date with news releases and discover stories about how GAOA is making a difference.

  • Kids running with kites in a grass field
    Land and Water Conservation Fund

    The Land and Water Conservation Fund gives back to communities by providing grants to protect local lands and waters.

  • Maintenance worker using a power drill on a boardwalk
    Deferred Maintenance and Repairs

    The National Park Service is working to address the repair backlog to preserve parks and provide a world-class visitor experience.

Last updated: July 25, 2024