This page was developed to provide additional information and assistance as you begin the HBCU grant application process.
Simplified National Register and National Historic Landmark Table and NPS Map
The National Park Service administers two Federal designation programs for historic resources, the National Register of Historic Places and the National Historic Landmarks Program (NHLs). The National Register of Historic Places is the official list of the Nation's historic places worthy of preservation. Authorized by the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, the National Register is part of a national program to coordinate and support public and private efforts to identify, evaluate, and protect America's historic and archeological resources. National Register properties can be historically significant to their community, state, or the nation. National Historic Landmarks are buildings, sites, districts, structures, and objects that have been determined by the Secretary of the Interior to be nationally significant in American history and culture. National Historic Landmarks and National Register Nominations are separate designations. However, once NHLs are designated, they are also listed in the National Register of Historic Places, if not already listed. As a result, some resources are both NHLs and listed in the National Register. In order to assist HBCUs in researching and developing grant applications, we have created a map that displays historic resources associated with HBCU campuses.
Multiple Property Listing documents are also included in HBCU data table. A Multiple Property Listing is a form that documents property groups relating to one or several historic contexts in a specific geographical location. This map also includes the Multiple Property Listings (MPL) associated with HBCU properties or MLPs that document related HBCU properties and their role in different aspects of African American history. The MPL documents included on this map either exclusively document historically significant building on specific HBCU campuses, HBCU buildings that contributed to a segment of the African American Civil Rights Movement, or MPL that could be amended to include historically significant HBCU properties that have the same architectural style. Multiple Property Listings can provide an even broader view of possible relationships between these historically significant properties and their connections to different African American experiences.
The purpose of this map is to provide a simplified overview of National Register and National Historic Landmark historic resources that are relevant to HBCUs. This map also provides access to relevant Multiple Property Listings documents that could be a reference when creating new nominations to the National Register of Historic Places.
Connectivity of Resources
Properties do not need to be listed in the National Register of Historic Places, or listed as a National Historic Landmark, to be eligible for this grant program. If your property has already obtained these designations, please indicate that in the application and it will be considered as a competitive factor in the evaluation. These nominations can also provide the historical context necessary to thoroughly answer the Significance section of the application and provide a concise response.
Below is a simplified map with an ongoing list of the National Register listed properties and National Historic Landmarks that are historically associated with HBCUs. This table also indicates if these properties are National Historic Landmarks. Information from this table can be used as a resource to begin the Significance section of your HBCU grant application.
How to use this Map
This map shows the approximate geographical location of National Register properties and National Historic Landmarks that are associated with HBCUs. Click on the black dots to view the identification numbers for these historic resources, the name of the nomination, the type of nomination, and the associated links to view these documents. The authoritative source for all National Register data is the National Register of Historic Places program.
HBCUs | State | Campus/District Nomination | Individual Listings Building Nomination | Campus/ District Nomination Name | Significance | National Register Identification Number (NRIS) | NARA ID | NARA Link | Location | Lat | Long | Notes | Questions |
View HBCU funded resources and National Register nominated places in the map below
Important Notice Regarding the Quality of Data
Due to limitations in the 1977 guidance for collecting geospatial data for the National Register, some points or polygon features appear askew and improperly sized. The Cultural Resources GIS NR Data web page and a PDF FAQ document explain the limitations of the data in detail. NPS continues to work with partners for ongoing corrections to the data.
This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for, legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. The State, Tribal, Local, Plans & Grants Division (SLTPG) provides these data in good faith and shall in no event be liable for any incorrect results, or any indirect or consequential damages to any party arising out of or in connection with the use or inability to use the data. STLPG shall not be held liable for any third party’s interpretation of data and reserves the right to change or revise published data and/or these services at any time.