Do you like to dig in the dirt? Find things that are lost? Put pieces together? Figure out stories from clues? Learn about the past? These are all things archeologists do—maybe you're one, too!
Archeology is tons of dirt-digging, story-telling, mystery-solving fun. Like you, many archeologists caught the archeology bug as kids. Get started on your own archeological adventure!
(And hey, before you go, read Guidelines for Visiting Archeological Places for ground rules.)
Only the coolest around.Who Are Archeologists?
Scientists who study past people.
By land or by sea.How Do Archeologists Work?
Carefully, thoughtfully; with pointy tools.
Careful Looking, Very Closely.What Happens in the Lab?
Processing artifacts to see what's up.
No dirt required.Try It Yourself
Experiment with methods archeologists use.
But not literally, ok?Dig Deeper
Take your interest to the next level.
Psst! You!For Adults
Help a kid scratch that archeology itch.
Last updated: February 10, 2025