Still Photography

A field of brown grass dotted with patches of snow stretches behind a rail fence.
Patches of snow cover the Cotton Field.

Karen Havill Bingham - Friends of Stones River NB

Taking pictures is a wonderful way for park visitors to preserve special memories of the battlefield experience. We encourage individuals and families to take photos as they tour the park's landscapes.

In order to ensure public safety, protection of park resources and the ability of all visitors to have an enjoyable experience we ask that all photographers follow these rules.
  1. Do not use props of any kind. If the item isn't already on the battlefield, it does not belong there for a photo session.
  2. Obey all time limits at tour stops. All of our numbered tour stops have a 15-minute parking limit to ensure that all visitors may access the limited spaces at each site. If you want to take photos for a period of longer than 15-minutes, please park in the recreational user lot near our visitor center.
  3. Park in designated areas. Please use our paved or gravel parking lots. Do not park vehicles in or on the sides of roads. Ilegally parked vehicles may be towed.
  4. Stay off the roads. It is unsafe for photography to take place on roads used by motor vehicles. Do not stand or stop your vehicle in the middle of a road.
  5. Stay on marked trails or the short grass. A number of trails offer access to our park's resources. Some areas feature mown grass where visitors are welcome to walk. Please stay out of areas marked as closed to the public. Our fields filled with tall native grasses are off limits to people! Those fields provide food and shelter for our resident wildlife. Photography sessions in those areas damage the grasses and interfere with wildlife behaviors.
  6. Share the trails. If others wish to walk down the trail you're using to get that perfect shot, please step aside and allow them to pass.
If our rangers or volunteers observe still photography activities that do no follow these rules, we will stop them immediately. Please help us make your visit enjoyable and uninterrupted with your cooperation.

Commercial still photography as defined in 36 CFR 5.5 requires a permit. You can find an application at Permits - Stones River National Battlefield (U.S. National Park Service) (

Last updated: August 19, 2024

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Murfreesboro, TN 37129



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