New Hampshire - List View


  • National Scenic Trail


    Maine to Georgia, CT,GA,MA,MD,ME,NC,NH,NJ,NY,PA,TN,VA,VT,WV

    The Appalachian Trail is a 2,190+ mile long public footpath that traverses the scenic, wooded, pastoral, wild, and culturally resonant lands of the Appalachian Mountains. Conceived in 1921, built by private citizens, and completed in 1937, today the trail is managed by the National Park Service, US Forest Service, Appalachian Trail Conservancy, numerous state agencies and thousands of volunteers.

  • National Historical Park


    Cornish, NH

    Your National Park for the Arts preserves the home and studio of sculptor Augustus Saint-Gaudens (1848-1907). Here stories flow through a landscape of inspiration. Discover the history behind the captivating bronze sculptures and enjoy the beauty of art and nature. The park and its partners continue the tradition of the Cornish Colony of artists. Unleash your creativity today.

By The Numbers

These numbers are just a sample of the National Park Service's work. Figures are for the fiscal year that ended 9/30/2020.