Guided Tours

Bus Tour Guides

The Lakeshore offers a park volunteer as a step-on guide for bus tour groups.   Our volunteer guide will join your group on the bus, providing you with a custom experience through the Pierce Stocking Scenic Drive.  Guides will provide insight on Sleeping Bear Dune’s history and point out geological features.  If time allows, visitors will have the opportunity to get off the bus at select overlooks. A typical tour is approximately 2.5 hours, which includes the Visitor Center in Empire and viewing the park video prior to the guided tour.   


Ranger-led Programs

Programs are listed on the Lakeshore's calendar.
Self-guided tours on the app, NPS Sleeping Bear Dunes, available on Android or Apple.

Heritage Tours

Our partner Preserve Historic Sleeping Bear offers tours of historic properties in the park.

Last updated: September 25, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

9922 Front Street
Empire, MI 49630


231 326-4700

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