Challenge yourself to make a change in local light pollution
Ask yourself these questions about your yard:
- Does this area even need lighting?
- Does it need lighting all the time?
- How much light does it need?
Things you can do to reduce local light pollution
Rookie Changes
- Point lights downwards by shielding top and sides of fixtures – reducing glare, sky glow and light trespass
- Turn on outdoor lights only when needed or Install motion sensors
- Lower wattage for your outdoor lights
Rock Star Changes
- Make all the Rookie changes
- Reduce your outdoor lighting
- Educate your neighbors about light pollution
- Ask city to modify street lamps to shield lights, directing light down and reducing trespass
- Promote outdoor lighting awareness in your community
More ways to help:
Attend starry night programs, including star parties
Measure sky glow in your neighborhood
Adopt a street campaign
Look up local astronomers clubs