Park Statistics

Gross Area within recreation area boundary for FY 2009: 153,785 Acres of Land

Property owned and managed by the National Park Service within the recreation area boundary: 23,648 Acres

Total Recreation Visits FY 2023: 759,352
Total Recreation Visits FY 2022: 795,217
Total Recreation Visits FY 2021: 830,451
Total Recreation Visits FY 2020: 733,576
Total Recreation Visits FY 2019: 707,566
Total Recreation Visits FY 2018: 867,154
Total Recreation Visits FY 2017: 897,593
Total Recreation Visits FY 2016: 906,606
Total Recreation Visits FY 2015: 797,126
Total Recreation Visits FY 2014: 694,714
Total Recreation Visits FY 2013: 633,054
Total Recreation Visits FY 2012: 649,471
Total Recreation Visits FY 2011: 609,636
Total Recreation Visits FY 2010: 568,371
Total Recreation Visits FY 2009: 501,573
Total Visits for FY 2008: 504,444
Total Visits for FY 2007: 604,151

(Visitation numbers only include visits on Federal sites within the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area.)

National Recreation Area, November 10, 1978

Last updated: September 13, 2024

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Mailing Address:

26876 Mulholland Highway
Calabasas, CA 91302


805 370-2301

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