Park Staffs

Park staff holding a clinometer in front of her face.

NPS Photo

Park Staffs at the plot

NPS Photo

A woman sliding a yellow flag through the spines of a saguaro. A few feet from her is a man using a clinometer to find the height of the saguaro she just flagged.

NPS Photo

A man looking through a clinometer. In front his feet is a tape measure indicating that he is 10 meters away from the saguaro.

NPS Photo

Two men side by side using a clinometer to find the height of the same saguaro

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A woman using a folding ruler to measure the height of a saguaro

NPS Photo

Park staffs measuring the height of a saguaro using a white folding ruler

NPS Photo

A man putting a yellow flag through the spines of a saguaro while a woman a few feet from him is using a clinometer to measure the height of the same saguaro

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Park staffs on the plot working

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Park staffs walking around the plot looking for smaller saguaros

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A woman wearing a yellow jacket looking through a clinometer

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A man putting an orange flag through the spines of a saguaro

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A woman smiling. She is holding the end of a tape measure next to the base of a saguaro.

NPS Photo

Group photo at the plot after the census.

NPS Photo

Last updated: January 11, 2020

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Tucson, AZ 85730


520 733-5153

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