Junior Rangers

kids look through binoculars at the camera

NPS photo

What Is a Junior Ranger?

A Junior Ranger is an explorer.
A Junior Ranger is a learner, and this type of learning is experiential and fun.
A Junior Ranger is a protector of the national parks.

Junior Rangers discover things they can do to help make sure there are always parks to visit in the future. They learn things they can do in the parks as well as what they can do when they return home. When they have completed their activity booklets, children are sworn in as a Junior Ranger and receive a badge and certificate. Each year, 450,000 children become Junior Rangers!

Becoming a Junior Ranger

  1. Get the booklet.

    Pick up your activity guide at a visitor center or download the Saguaro Junior Ranger Booklet to print at home.

  2. Investigate!

    If you're in the park, use the booklet as a guide while you are exploring. If you're at home, use the park website. The booklets introduce park stories and point out things of interest that might otherwise go unnoticed.

  3. (Optional) Attend a Ranger Program

    Ranger programs at Saguaro are free and open to the public. Check the Calendar to see if there's a guided walk or talk that fits with your visit.

  4. Get sworn in.

    Return to the visitor center to be sworn in by a real ranger! If you are mailing in your book and would like to be sworn in virtually, see the video below.


Going Beyond Junior Ranger

If you're a Junior Ranger here in the Tucson area, you might be a great addition to Saguaro's Cactus Rangers or Camps programs. Check them out!
handwritten note from a child to "Dear Rangers" laid on top of a type-written letter from a teacher

Student Letters

Got a curious kid or a class project? Write to our team of educators!

Saguaro Education
2700 North Kinney Road
Tucson, AZ 85743

Or, email us to find out more.

Last updated: February 11, 2025

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Mailing Address:

3693 S Old Spanish Trail
Tucson, AZ 85730


520 733-5153

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